Finally, lipsync time.
Every time I wanted to start, something else always popped up that needed to be done. But now, I'll finally actually get to it.
There's I think... 1600 voice clips in total, so I got a lot of lipsync to do. But since most of them are single moans, it shouldn't be too difficult. I'm gonna stream some of the process, so if you wanna watch it, I stream here: Rock Candy on Picarto

Don't really have a lot to say for today... But have this drawing before I go!
Disappointing Dominatrix
2022-05-31 05:22:23
Comments (2)
Rock Candy2402324021
2022-06-04 05:50:59
Impossible to say. There are a lot of things that go on in the background of this project, and tweaking them might cause new problems to arise that need to be addressed. But for the lipsync, there's at least solid numbers to work with. I don't remember what it is right now, but I'll look it up later.
2022-06-04 02:59:40
So not rush you or anything, but what's the ETA on this one?