I'm back!
Shrap's gone home and I've had my wisdom tooth removed. Now back to regular schedule, I suppose!
Had a great time with Shrap, other than some excessive snoring during the nights.
People and the nurses told me I'd be in great pain after removing the tooth, but I've barely felt any pain at all. I don't know if I'm just lucky or have a high pain treshold or something, I've mostly been chilling the recent couple of days because of the threat of pain rather than being in pain. But well, since it doesn't seem like it'll start hurt anytime soon, I guess it's time to go back to doing the porn stuff again.

So what do I got for today's update? Not much, since I've not been that active, but there are still some things!
Let's start off with a drawing I finished recently!

Ruby on the Beach, a request from Ruby.

Next, some fan art!

First two are commissioned from egg!
Lollo undressing Zu
Chrysophylux dicks Sofi

This batch comes from Shrap. He made them while he was over here, so I had the opportunity to oversee and guide him a bit on these.
Plague Sofi
Wendy's Sofi
Hentai Ellie and Sofi
Shrap's Crapsterpiece

What about news regarding the Zu&Jo part?
The new animations I made for the dog are a big improvement. Still some kinks I gotta iron out though. I also gotta improve some of the ball-tensing animations, 'cause they just wound up looking really... goofy.

Currently I'm working on expression groups and soon lipsync, since I've finally gotten all voice clips sorted out for both Zu and Jo.
The editor is currently a bit broken though, so I'm gonna do some drawing until that's sorted out.

Finally, I'll share some crude screenshots I took of the tattoos that I asked you all to provide a while ago.
I decided to redraw them all in flash by tracing, instead of having the bitmap itself embedded into the project. It'll look less grainy and crusty when they get deformed.
So here comes a bunch of screenshots! They don't currently work in game, so I spammed screenshot on the mega-flickering non-functional mess that happens when you render the swf. Hence why things might look really weird; everything happens at once - but you can still get a good idea of what to expect.

Since expressions aren't programmed in yet in game either, these are all expressions that occur when the animations all just play in order - you'll probably not see these exact combinations in game later.
You also cannot do double penetration, even if it looks like it here.
Since I've stared at the neutral faces of them for so long while working on this, looking at these screenshots with vastly different expressions makes me feel very excited. It's gonna be great when it's finally working!
2022-05-23 04:38:31
Comments (17)
2022-05-27 22:06:17
Neat. Yeah, I'd imagine adding too much variation per dick type would balloon the project's workload out of control. I imagine that you will only vary the insertion reaction, and that's already plenty IMO.
2022-05-26 11:52:00
Cool the x-ray part makes sense
Rock Candy2395623953
2022-05-25 03:55:26
yes, that's the entire premise of this project.
2022-05-25 00:20:38
There'll be a horsecock in this one, right?
Rock Candy2395123950
2022-05-24 15:30:41
Do any of the other types mean anything? I'm only aware of this one, since it was requested. It would be an easy thing to add either way.
2022-05-24 13:02:01
Should add a queen of hearts to go along with the queen of spades.
2022-05-24 12:27:01
Thank god!oh hell no rob oh hell no
Rock Candy2394623945
2022-05-24 08:39:33
can't say i have
2022-05-24 06:31:26
Have you considered having the pig go for the urethra?
Rock Candy2394423943
2022-05-24 05:24:06
No, it's extremely difficult to predict.
2022-05-23 23:21:49
is there an estimated date on when the game will be released?
Rock Candy2393723934
2022-05-23 16:41:22
Birth - kinda? I guess. I still have to finish so much other things before I can get working on that. X-Ray - No, it just wouldn't work with all the inflation and dick types available. It would be an insane workload investment.
2022-05-23 15:31:53
I'm so excited for this :3
2022-05-23 15:24:38
will birth and x-ray be a part of this project? if so how will they work.
Rock Candy2393323932
2022-05-23 13:34:55
Ye, a bit. I had some more advanced plans but I had to shelf them to not make the game too complex to get to work.
2022-05-23 13:28:15
That's a lot of type of dongs! Will they react a bit differently depending on the type?
2022-05-23 12:25:57
I’m so freaking exited