Woah Easter
I've now recieved voice recordings for Zu for the Zu&Jo part, I was planning on going through them this weekend, but I got caught up in drawing instead. So I'll get to those tomorrow.
I and Fallow have been experimenting with the Zu&Jo part a bit, by making the animation loops change speed to inject some variety into it.
While doing this, I noticed that the dog animations looked kind of crap with this system... And they looked really bad in retrospect in general, so I'm currently remaking those animations. Hopefully a procedure that won't take too long. Means the facial animations stuff is getting delayed further tho, frustrating. Sometimes I wish I had a third person who could do some of that stuff to help make progress faster. Bleh.

Anyway, here's the aforementioned drawing:
Don't Waste Eggs, Sofi does the egg throwing thing, gets punished for it.

By the way, I am going to have custom body writing/doodles and such on Zu&Jo, and I am allowing people to design their own to put on them if they so wish. Rules I copypasted:

Wanna design a tattoo or body doodle for Zu&Jo to wear in game? Here's your chance to do so!
Make sure that the final design fits within a circle the size of 74x74 pixels; template image provided.
Remove the white color and make sure that the image is a transparent PNG.
You can draw fancy tattoo designs, or make crude doodles, or simply write some text.
The theme is farm, with human, dog, pig and horse as options. But you do not have to make the design farm related.
Make sure that they are tasteful, otherwise I might not include it.

Post images in comment using imgur or through discord, or anywhere that allows for PNGs.
2022-04-17 17:57:58
Comments (24)
2022-05-10 01:55:27
some things you should put on her: Animals only, anal please and thanks, gape me, i like knots, horse cock lover, and cum tank
2022-04-29 11:44:18
If you're using an android device, purchase an otg cable and use a mouse instead of the touch screen.
Rock Candy2377723772
2022-04-29 05:23:56
2022-04-28 14:59:57
I’m using Krita on a computer with an attached monitor tablet. If you’re using an Apple phone or tablet, I’d suggest Concepts. It’s okay, but nothing works like using a real computer. I can’t give a suggestion for Android devices, sorry.
2022-04-28 14:56:51
Thanks! Added another small doodle for good measure!
Rock Candy2376023759
2022-04-26 11:54:01
Clearly, you're using a phone. I have no idea how or why you'd want to edit images on phone, so I suggest you just type out the text you want to see on a list in a comment here. You don't need to edit the picture to do that.
2022-04-26 10:35:44
I couldn’t figure out how to draw it like the other guy. I tried using a app but it looked bad. If u have a Suggestion lmk. I think
2022-04-26 10:31:47
Rock Candy2375623752
2022-04-26 05:02:01
I'm not sure what you were going for here, but if you're just suggesting text, you can just write it out in a comment.
Rock Candy2375523750
2022-04-26 05:00:17
Nice, these will probably work out fine, it's always good to have options!
2022-04-26 00:16:23
2022-04-26 00:11:22
I hope this helps lmk if it does
2022-04-25 15:49:09
Thankyou! Feeling enthused, I made a few more at the same Imgur link as before.
Rock Candy2374123739
2022-04-24 12:46:24
Pretty good stuff, I'll add in some of these for sure.
2022-04-24 08:14:02
Long time fan, first time poster. I had a go at a few tattoos/doodles with different versions. I hope there’s one you like among them. https://imgur.com/a/XKOmYC8
Rock Candy2373823735
2022-04-24 04:17:51
Upload image to imgur.
2022-04-23 15:12:20
kiss my pussy? copy me link https://llk.dk/6p6hdd
Rock Candy2372323719
2022-04-20 20:18:00
There's a link to it on the home page.
2022-04-20 17:13:19
thats awsome that we can make our own! whats the discord called so i can try to do some myself
2022-04-19 00:18:33
Goddamn the pose is amazing, I can't wait for this to release.