Sofi, Colors and Waiting
That animation is almost done, but we need a couple of more days to see it complete and working. Best case scenario, it'll be done tomorrow, even! Keep in mind though, patrons will experience it the first week before it goes public for everyone.

-- UPDATE --
The animation is released - for Ellie tier patrons.
It's not interactive, so sit back and relax.
Check it out on our patreon, or don't! Choice is yours; I'll be posting this for everyone to see on sunday!

I've spent this week trying to get caught up on some arts, but I still have a lot of drawings to get through...
Here are the ones I got done so far!
The Breeding Deal Colored, commissioner had it colored by Bathstory Entertainment!
Clown Zara, a dumb thing I've been wanting to do since Rock n' Raz 15 was released.
Clown Zara Colored, my coloring supplies are pretty bad, but I tried anyway. It fits the clown theme, but eh. Wasted effort perhaps.
Sofi Jump, digital piece of Sofi I drew for April 1st. I still have no idea what I'm doing.
Pervy Panty Photos, Sofi is getting harrassed by a perv with a camera.

OverSleeper made some fan art for Sofi for her B-Day as well!
Intimidating Sofi version 1
Intimidating Sofi version 2
Intimidating Sofi version 3
Intimidating Sofi's Summer Dress
Great stuff! Many thanks!

That's all I had for today. Now I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready for bed.
2022-04-03 17:08:03
Comments (2)
Rock Candy2360423603
2022-04-03 18:45:48
Darn it, I always make the mistake of picking the same image twice for alternate versions. I fixed it now.
2022-04-03 17:50:51
At the risk of belabouring the obvious, I will point out that clown Zara (coloured) isn't actually coloured, it's still just B&W.