There's always more
When you think you're done, there's always more things popping up that you gotta look over, tweak and make.
Such has the case been with Zu&Jo's part progress, I was hoping to start lipsyncing, but it turned out there was a bunch of other things that needed my attention first!

Been working out something interesting that'll be exclusive for Zu&Jo's part that I'm hoping will add some fun, some custom body writing/doodle placement. Which means I gotta come up with a bunch of stuff and draw all of it, but... still.

I've also been thinking of expanding the number of skins available for the horsedicks. I'm rather colorblind so it's difficult for me to make some good ones, but perhaps if I make a template, fans might be able to provide colors and patterns for me to use.

Let me know what you think about that.
2022-03-20 16:11:41
Comments (4)
2022-03-22 20:13:54
well if you going to add stuff on top which, I'm all for it have you consider releasing the part then patching in the extras like how creambee dose with her flashes
2022-03-22 09:02:05
horsecock color suggestions sound fun! good luck with the body writing
2022-03-21 23:57:03
I LOVE THIS GAME :) can you tell me when it might be released??? thanks so much i love you. :););):);0:):):):):):):
2022-03-21 01:17:29
cant wait to see that bodywrighting idea!