Character summaries!
Today I finished up the final character sheet summary thing I've been working on. They're good to have to just remind you of the basics!

Zu's Summary
Zara's Summary
Sofi's Summary
Ellie's Summary
Sixten's Summary
Psycho Girl's Summary
Lollo's Summary
Johanna's Summary

I plan on making simple reference images for some other side characters as well, just a single clothed version.

As for flash related stuff, I'm going to start making the basic vaginal sets tomorrow!
2020-09-20 18:38:32
Comments (12)
Rock Candy2010420103
2020-09-28 06:54:54
It isn't anyone I've drawn or shown yet.
2020-09-27 23:57:53
oh really? who is it? the only characters I can think of who aren't in this list of bios are the reindeer from christmas animations and the demon version Zu.
Rock Candy2009920096
2020-09-27 07:34:19
Well, those scenarios are hardly canon, hoahoa. If it's just some porn plot, it wouldn't be too hard to find an excuse, but it's not so easy to make it an "official part of the universe" character. Besides, there is a sort of character like that, but she's not brown skinned.
2020-09-26 23:25:16
maybe a secret cult of catgirl mages decided to summon her to stop the corona virus since social distancing laws meant they had to stop having their ritualistic orgies, maybe the cat goddess is mad at the horse god for having her descendants be violated in a certain animation that's being worked on and wants revenge, maybe the creepy girl, Lollo, and Beleth teamed up to cause mass destruction and she needs to gather a group of brave catgirl warriors (and sixten) to go on a sexually charged adventure to stop the end of the world. you're basically sitting on a pornographic gold mine with this, if I were in any way talented at writing stories or drawing I'd be super jealous that you had such a perfect writing opportunity. I can only seem to come up with good story ideas when it's for other people, when I write for myself it's always shit :(
Rock Candy2009420093
2020-09-26 07:35:41
What I mean is, it'd be kind of difficult to find a reason for as why an ancient such being would stick around in these days. I don't wanna make something up just for the sake of there being one.
2020-09-25 22:48:38
lollo isn't alive either but that hasn't stopped her. catgirl magic spits in the face of science.
Rock Candy2007120069
2020-09-25 07:24:31
Well, even if that was the case, she wouldn't be alive in their current time.
2020-09-24 22:15:29
I'm hoping we get something like a fusion of these 2 as the catgirl progenitor. I really like Dark skin girls and so far we haven't gotten many on this site as far as I know.
Rock Candy2006720065
2020-09-24 18:34:05
Yeah I've got plans on giving the world itself a bit more lore. But when, I can't tell. I'm gonna try to do some of the other side characters first though.
2020-09-24 17:42:09
Holy shit is Zu's lore dark
2020-09-23 00:13:52
so now that you've fleshed out the lore of these characters, what about the lore of the world? where did the first cat people come from? where they originally a race of felines that happened to evolve into a similar hominid form, are they the result of a human and a cat getting a little to affectionate like that one Lovecraft story about the ape, are they some ancient curse of an egyptian cat goddess, does the cat goddess have ebony skin and voluptuous breasts like the depictions of other egyptian gods? given the wands existence the 3rd option seems the most likely, but they could also be aliens or something
2020-09-21 03:23:06
great art. can't wait for the game