Hello again!
It's always nice to sleep in your own bed after you've been away for a while. I had a good time, but now it's time to get back into business. So, I started with making Sixten's reference sheet!

Sixten's sheet.

I hope it's free from errors, but if you do find any, do point 'em out.

I appreciate all the comments I got while I was away as well. It gives me additional motivation to work on my projects! I've been having some rough time figuring out how to handle the animations, so it's nice to hear you're excited to see what it'll turn out like. And ye, I've just started, so it'll be a while until there's anything concrete to show. That's just how it works with single-pose animations, you can't really show stills, since they're all the same assets.
2020-08-03 15:00:00
Comments (3)
2020-08-05 06:03:40
neat, sixten! you did a good job rc! have you ever thought of going back to your old flashes like for instance the ellie one with the reindeer, and make a sixten version? since a lot of the assets are made already it would make it a lot easier as a project! i personally like the idea of different versions or alt versions to certain projects of yours who enjoy different characters. love your work either way rc!
Rock Candy1987219869
2020-08-05 02:47:45
Sixten's design has change since then. If anything, it's Rudolf's Revenge that needs to change to fit the new look.
2020-08-03 23:01:14
The ref sheet looks good. You could give him wider hips and a bigger butt to be more in line with his appearance in Rudolph's Revenge, but ultimately there's no real "objective errors" I can see.