Updated Psycho Girl Images
Going through the Zara flash to find things to fix and tweak right now. Fallow made a pretty fancy system for tweaking sounds while playing in-game, on the fly, which is pretty mind boggling to me, hoahoa. It's easy to work with too, so it's going to be super useful for the upcoming parts as well.
Some things are still wonky though, for some reason the head and mouth won't sync up during a coughing animation. Very annoying. And I noticed I had completely fucked up a transition animation, so I had to change that this morning. It only took a few minutes though, but there are a few other things that needs to be looked into as well.

I spent the previous week drawing some, finishing up Psycho Girl's new character images and streaming a bit with Raz, since he's out of a job and we're trying to raise awareness and help him pay his bills. If you feel like helping him out, you can do so at paypal; paypal.me/Utterberg

Here's a commission I finished!
A New Hero, Zu, Ellie and Sofi are in need of help.

I've also got a bunch of fanart from Cerberus Carmine again!
Aisha's New Farm
Barnyard Fun at Aisha's
Aisha and Ellie Hang Out

Thanks a bunch! Good work on all of 'em!

And now, the Psycho Girl images.
Psycho Girl Axe
Psycho Girl Wire
Psycho Girl Sledgehammer
Psycho Girl Garden Fork
Psycho Girl Baseball Bat

I'm pretty satisfied. What do you think?
2020-05-11 02:47:19
Comments (4)
Rock Candy1955419552
2020-05-17 14:01:21
Yee, you got it!
2020-05-17 08:20:05
Oh man I just understood that she's wearing their clothes and you can see where the trauma was that caused the murder. That's from, especially the Zu one
2020-05-12 05:05:49
2020-05-11 04:54:04
So when can we see the next part?