Looks like the Zoo-Phobia beta was a success.
Mostly, at least! I've got a lot of feedback on various platforms, so I'll be trying to improve on what I can. But next, I'm going to work on Zara's part! I've got her voiceclips ready to lipsync, and that's going to take a while, hoahoa. But it'll make her more expressive for sure. Might add in a few more eye animations to spice it up further. There's not a whole lot to Zara's part after all, but I'll try to make the most of it.

Well, I don't have a lot of else to mention today. Keep posting your thoughts on Zoo-Phobia, it is very helpful!
2020-03-02 05:43:01
Comments (10)
Rock Candy1936919368
2020-03-25 04:58:20
Mm, I see. Well, thanks for the elaboration. Not all my works will have this sort of exaggerated stuff, but this project will mostly consist of those sort of things. So you might want to skip this one, 'cause I'm not going to disable the bulges. They're often key-elements of the animations, so it'll look weird without 'em, ya?
2020-03-25 04:01:13
Ironically I'd prefer the cock in the animation to not be a horse's if it were an option. I never said anything about being fine with huge cocks. I simply felt it needless to list all of my likes and dislikes. As I said, I appreciate the animation, and therefore am just grateful, regardless if I like horse cocks or not. As to the bulging, if you wanna get technical I've seen chicks take horse cocks/horse cock-sized objects (or at least attempt to), perhaps not to the extent the animation depicts, nor the bulging as apparent but that's the point-it's unrealistic, at least not without causing extensive damage. Not the point, my concern isn't about the realism, not even a concern, really. I simply posted initially because, and I quote "Keep posting your thoughts on Zoo-Phobia, it is very helpful!". My comment was intended as sort of feedback not judgement.
Rock Candy1935719356
2020-03-22 07:01:56
I'm sorry, but if you're vanilla and the only thing that bothers you is the bulge and not the size of the horsecock or that it is in fact a horsecock, are you really vanilla then? I mean, it's bestiality. If something of that size went into a small body like Sofi's, there would be a bulge no matter what. It can't just disappear. That's be even more ridicolous than the cuminflation. I'm glad you're enjoying it nonetheless, but it's just a bit odd that you're fine with huge cocks but not the consequences of the huge cocks.
2020-03-21 04:00:27
To be honest, I'm pretty vanilla. All I'd ask for in regards to the Zoo flash is an option to enable and disable bulging and cum inflation. I suppose everyone is just inputting wild fantasies they'd like to see added, but regardless of ones preference I'd say the flash is greatly appreciated, especially considering the whole deal with flash "dying" and all.
Abdul Alhazred
2020-03-06 21:52:57
Perhaps an after picture could be added when one is done with the girls. I do know that the game insists that Zoo cannot get any more pregnant following the 30th or so intravaginal ejaculation, but some proof would be most appreciated.
Rock Candy1926319262
2020-03-04 06:15:12
This is Sofi we're talking about. She won't be broken.
2020-03-04 05:34:25
Was wondering if you could make it so that the girls have a mindbreak point? Like with Rudolf's Revenge, when Zu starts to like it. I feel like that would be a positive change, otherwise it gets boring fast, as I've read is a concern in other comments.
2020-03-03 20:17:35
The only thing I would like to see added is more on the impregnation theme. Maybe even a bonus mode of them actually pregnant or something. Still just fantastic stuff.
2020-03-02 08:39:53
OOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNN i must be patient oooooooooooooonnnnn
2020-03-02 08:18:48
Man i just have to see the rest of the animations. im a patient man though