Yaya, I'm updating...
I've not really done much creative work, gotta be social n' stuff! And it's difficult for me to focus on working when other people are around, so I'm mostly working on this while she's away. I'm still playtesting and stuff for the Sofi flash, and that's going well. Getting closer and closer to something playable, altough there's still a few things that need ironing out! I'm gonna take another look at it once I'm done with this update, in fact.

And there's not a lot else to say! I'm doin' what I can.
I've started up work on another Rock n' Raz to have something that doesn't need a lot of my attention span to work on.
2020-02-03 07:20:03
Comments (4)
Mister X
2020-02-11 13:16:02
We understand :) Don't rush it and take your time! Rome wasn't built in a day as they say.
2020-02-09 07:53:54
your games are amazing, still can't for more
2020-02-08 04:50:53
And because you’re the best on making games about sex , I have already played all of your games I did love so much the “Rudolf revenge” the first one . I hoje you see this .
2020-02-08 04:48:55
I have a idea sir , maybe you can do a sex game like in apocalypse and Zoe get caught by 5/6 zombies and then you can imagine how they fuck , that’s will be very good if you do