Workin' on Sofi's part...
Hiya, hope your first week of 2020 has been good!

I've been working on upgrading the beta scenes for my horse project. Adding in new things that I doubt I would have even thought of back when I first released them and updating the art slightly where I can. I've updated Zara's face a bit in her part, she looks a lot livelier now. If I can get in contact with her VA, I plan on having some of her lines re-recorded and add a bunch of new ones. I want to redo her mouth animations anyway, since the way they're made is... Not the best. She kinda sticks to two expressions at most, and lately I've been trying to spice it up with several, ya?

I've been looking at Ellie's part too. It's the part that probably needs the most editing... I want to move the entire scene up a bit, but it'll require extending the arms and legs assets while also adding in hands for Ellie. I'm hoping that's easier than it sounds, hoahoa. I've got a few other ideas for it as well, but we'll see how it turns out.

Right now, I'm trying to finish up Sofi's part as best as I can!
I've added a few more options to toy around with and some extra animation details. Today I have to work on moving a bunch of assets because I failed to read the angle of her legs correctly, bleh.
Otherwise, what's remaining is adding sounds and making different skins for the horsedick.
And coding and playtesting, of course. But, FallowWing will stream his progress on that as usual.
I'm not sure when he's gonna stream next time, but here's his Picarto channel. We've merged our channels, so you can see both of us at the same page if we're streaming simultaneously!

By the way, coming up with different colors for horsedicks to have is... Not easy. There's not really a reliable way to research the subject matter. And then actually adding the colors is even more difficult, since I'm colorblind as fuck.

Anyway, I'm gonna go eat something and then get started.
See ya next week!
2020-01-06 08:50:29
Comments (6)
2020-01-10 21:26:22
Hoping for an unlockable/easter egg Sixten scene! It'd at least add variety and be optional for those that want to see it. A bonus for your fans who like that kind of thing.
Rock Candy1910119100
2020-01-09 08:18:15
Ye, I can tell, but I have bad eye sight and would need actual lenses.
2020-01-09 02:15:43
Sorry if i wasn't clear, those are special glasses for the color blind. They're supposed to correct colors and help with color separation. They also have a color blind test on their website to tell you if their glasses will work for you or not.
Rock Candy1909619095
2020-01-08 08:09:46
I can't afford something like that. Besides, I already have glasses so I'd need special ones.
2020-01-07 21:25:46
have you looked into getting a pair of enchroma glasses? I've seen positive reactions to the glasses on youtube.
2020-01-06 19:21:10
You are a great person thank you for everything you do!