Merry Christmas!
I'm surprised, Ellie's Exorbitant Extrication has been really well recieved. Usually there's a bunch of complaints about this and that in flash releases, but I guess this means I did a good job finally. I hope it'll be something to return to from time to time, heh heh.

What happens now, you wonder? Well, FallowWing has already began working on coding my horse project. So that means after christmas is over, I'm going to start working on Zara's, Ellie's and Sofi's parts again as well as starting up Zu & Johanna's part. He's streaming the progress over at his Picarto channel, so follow that if you're interested. I'm thinking of streaming me working on the various parts as well at some point, so you could follow my Picarto channel as well. I'll post a notification in the discord when I begin streaming too, so yea. I might do the first stream on the 24th... Time I'm not so sure about, but we shall see.

Here's a few drawings too! It's probably the last drawings in 2019, I hope you enjoy 'em!
Prostitutes In Training, Tera training Zu and Trixie for their new jobs.
For A Good Cause (Remake), I made a remake of an old drawing I drew for this Fan fic starring Ellie!
Scotty VS. Rudolf, ScottyKat wanted me to draw this, since he hates the Rudolf song!

Well, I hope you all have a nice christmas and stuff. I hope my flash and arts added to the holiday joys. I'll see you next sunday!
2019-12-22 21:09:38
Comments (4)
Rock Candy1906019058
2019-12-24 08:46:01
Ye. But now that FallowWing is helping me out, I should be able to put out things a bit faster.
2019-12-23 09:42:17
Your flash certainly did help with the holidays. Hope you have some nice ones too!
2019-12-22 23:00:52
Took your sweet ass time to release something decent.
2019-12-22 22:07:50
You gave us a good butthole to fap to with ellie how could we lol