Unfortunately, the collab Zu flash won't go anywhere for a while, since I'm not getting through at the moment. Which is mildly frustrating, as you could imagine. So, instead, I'm going to see if I can't get some drawings and commissions done the coming week.

For now, I just finished up an early WIP of Sixten, so let me know what you think, ye?
Sixten Undies
Sixten Clothed
Good? Bad?

Also made the rest of Zu's alts here, let me know what you think of them as well.
Winter Zu
Summer Zu
Sailor Zu

I've also updated all the character bios, so I'm going to see that the character tab gets updated later.
2019-11-18 08:05:51
Comments (10)
Rock Candy1895518954
2019-11-22 13:52:37
It's been like 10 years, how could you not know?
2019-11-22 12:06:20
I didn't know about the cancellation that hurts
Rock Candy1894618945
2019-11-21 07:08:42
Don't worry. Zu Triple was canceled because of bad and inefficient structure and project building. These projects are much better built. There's just some difficulties finding people to code them that aren't busy.
2019-11-21 01:09:12
Zu-triple flashbacks intensifies.
2019-11-20 18:40:11
To that logic I have no answer to say, but hopefully just be a passenger and quickly resume your work if that is what makes you happy. Good luck and greetings from Paraguay
2019-11-19 17:25:15
Honestly just happy to see your pushing forward on this thing. The previews of the project posted on swfchan got me hooked right away. If you simply carried on with your standard level of quality control Im sure it would turn out fine but the fact that you keep talking about the level of extra effort you put in despite all the setbacks keeps me excited. Keep up the good work and let us perverts experience the fruits of your labours!
Rock Candy1893718934
2019-11-19 14:54:27
I know, but if I don't have anything work on, I become all depressed and have nothing to get out of bed for.
Rock Candy1893618933
2019-11-19 14:53:57
It's being worked on after a period of inactivity.
2019-11-19 04:51:04
Well, everyone comes the time when a project of theirs is delayed for reasons of third parties, but you just have to be patient nobody would have to hurry you; Your work, your time. Keep it up and good luck
2019-11-18 20:06:22
So now for the real question what is the status of the greatest revamp of a horse flash ever?