Further tweaked profile images
I'm glad to see there's people who are interested in seeing the full scale of my project still. But since flash is dying, the people availible to want to code in it will diminish as well. That's only one of the reasons I kinda want to finish this stuff up and see if I can find something else to work in. What that would be depends on which direction I want to go in when I'm done with my flash projects. But I'll tackle that then. Best to just focus on what's relevant now.

For whatever reason I can't even remember what I've been doing last week.
But, I've worked a bit on tweaking profile images further! Mostly on Zu and Psycho Girl, I'd like some feedback on them! Are they good now?

On Zu, added expressions and adjusted torso.
Nude Zu
Zu Panties
Zu Usual Clothes
Zu Work Outfit
Zu Dress

Psycho Girl, adjusted wrist, hips and legs and blood splatter.
Psycho Girl Nude
Psycho Girl Dressed
Psycho Girl Bloody

Next up on my list would be getting Sixten ready as well, character portrait wise.

I'm going to plan out the Zu collab starting today. When I've reached a conclusion about what to do with it, I'll share it with you all, ye? Good. Then that's all for this update.
also this
2019-11-11 01:15:31
Comments (6)
Rock Candy1892918927
2019-11-16 03:19:23
Finding something I can animate well in would be the first priority for me.
2019-11-15 13:34:31
So, have you thought in something to replace flash? Maybe unity? it's pretty easy to code.
Rock Candy1892618925
2019-11-14 03:31:01
She's still 1.60
2019-11-14 01:11:38
Wow, Zu's so tall now
Rock Candy1892218919
2019-11-12 05:13:18
Like I said, I'll finish what projects I have before moving on to something else. Fun to hear that I inspired you to make something of your own too.
2019-11-11 21:50:18
sad to hear... i think everyone knows about flash dying, but it's sad to be reminded of it every time. I've been a fan of your work since like 2012 i think? but only now am i commenting, i will say your stuff inspired me a lot to continue working on hentai stuff and learning animation, so that i could make small flash games like yours. well now it's kinda of a dead dream to do so in flash... but i will try to use unity, but it just wont be the same. I hope you continue to make stuff!