Getting There.
Gotta wish you all an early happy halloween! Don't have any plans on doing anything special, myself.

Here are the remaining drawings!
Of course I forgot to upload this one last week.
Glorious Work, It's Ellie having fun in a glory hole box!
Big Dick Virus, Zu and Zoo fall victim to the big victim virus. It's like a zombie virus but with huge dicks instead. And Ellie happens to be immune.
Sad Rimming, in which Ellie gives a rimjob.
Ransom Video #6, Oh no, Ellie's been kidnapped!
For Your Pleasure, A Zu butt for you!
Priorities, Zu gets raped again, but with a twist.

Hope you like 'em! I got quite exhausted of drawing all of them in a row.

I'm back to working on the Ellie x Reindeer flash. I'm around 40% done with the reindeer facial expressions, so they go by rather quick even if I have to deal with how autistic flash can be sometimes. By 40% I mean I'm done with 4 out of 9 reindeer. I don't know if the math checks out, but I was never too good at that anyway. If I'm a good boy I might finish them all up by Halloween. That's what I'm aiming for at least. Once that's done, I'm done with pretty much all the art assets. Other than some buttons or shit that'll be added in when coding starts, I guess. But ye, feels good getting there!
2019-10-28 05:21:40
Comments (1)
2019-10-29 22:26:25
Happy halloween to you too!