Progress is going well!
I've been able to work on the lipsyncing progress a lot and I've gotten pretty far already. Might take another couple of weeks to finish it all, but it sure has been a while since I managed to work this much on something! And I've had quite fun doing so too! Might be because I found some fun stuff to listen to while I worked, though, but still!
Unfortunately, my computer still does the weird crashing thing that is unique to my computer, beacuse why not, so I gotta be careful and save a lot. Blegh. It only seems to happen with CS6 though, so... Maybe I need to find another version of flash to work in. Maybe.

I don't know if I finished this last week or this, but I remembered about it just now!
Giving Life to a New Species, a commission with lots and lots of... eggs.

Well, I also took some time to start sketch up Johanna! She's not shaded yet, but I added basic color to her. Some might be up to change, because I'm colorblind as all fuck and I'm pretty heavily reliant on people who can tell hues apart on this.
Johanna Nude
Johanna Undies
Johanna Clothed

And if you're interested in knowing a little more about her, I wrote up some basic facts here:
Short bio for Johanna.

I'm going to get back to fixing up some of those profile images again, Ellie's first on the list. I need to give her some new clothes. You can see a preview of what I have in mind for her in that drawing mentioned above.

And, I've got a bunch o' fan art as well!
From GBlastMan:
Xu Updated Design 1
Xu Updated Design 2
Xu Updated Design 3
Anti Ellie 1
Anti Ellie 2
Anti Ellie 3
Anti Sofi 1
Anti Sofi 2
Anti Sofi 3
Zu & Xu 2

And a little stalker story from Ramek09!
Stalked Sofi 1
Stalked Sofi 2

Thanks a bunch, guys! Awesome stuff!

That's it for today. We shall see where next week takes me!
2019-08-11 17:09:15
Comments (7)
2019-08-27 16:44:43
Do no news? You ok rc?
2019-08-26 21:24:07
Oh wait nevermind. That's a different cs6. Apparently there's 2 packages by Adobe with the name cs6.
2019-08-26 21:13:41
It says CS6 was released in 2012. Which OS are you running? Windows 7?
2019-08-26 19:44:11
Is everything okay with the servers RC?
2019-08-13 22:14:06
thanks dude, I'll look into it.
Rock Candy1877318772
2019-08-13 14:56:06
Some sort of wacom intous, I believe.
2019-08-13 12:30:15
like the insect story. Anti sofi for the win, btw what type of graphics tablet do you use if you dont mind me asking.