Back to Lipsyncing
Hello again!
I've decided to try and finish up that one flash of Ellie and the reindeer that I showed off a few months back. You might not remember it, but I do! I paid a lot for the voice of Ellie in that one and now it's time to lipsync all that! Around 2 minutes all in all, so it'll take a few weeks of just focusing on that. I'll try and get a few drawings done too, but my main focus will be on the lipsyncing! So don't expect a lot of new drawings in the near future.

I'll probably have at least one drawing done by next week though. I've been working on a commission that wound up taking up a whole sheet of paper, and I'm almost half way done with it. If you like eggs, you'll probably like it.

Let's hope lipsyncing won't turn out to be soul-crushingly and I will see you next sunday!
2019-08-04 15:55:17
Comments (11)
2019-08-08 00:49:32
I don't know but maybe if you ask over on newgrounds Where there's a big flash community, someone might be willing to help.
Rock Candy1876318762
2019-08-06 11:27:30
Well, who would that be?
2019-08-06 08:12:11
What if you got someone to do the lip sync stuff for you? maybe someone could volunteer and do it for free. Just add their name in the credits or something.
Rock Candy1876118757
2019-08-06 01:41:21
This isn't an anime dub. Neither is it 2 frames of flapping mouth. How do you think the original anime was made? They just guess how long it takes to say each line and the voiceactors has to try to match the length of the scene? Don't be stupid.
2019-08-06 00:43:31
Whaaaaaaaaaat? I was looking forward to that.
2019-08-05 16:28:39
crazy thought, but maybe next time you should provide VA with the animation of the lips saying something from the script, and make the VA match their voice to it... like they do for anime dubs. instead of this ass-backwards system you've currently got.
2019-08-05 09:16:25
I hate eggs! They raped and murdered my family!!!
Rock Candy1875418753
2019-08-05 03:13:12
Oh, the flash commission was canceled almost immediately afterwards. So don't mind that.
Pervy Sage [ Pervert Mode]
2019-08-04 23:46:07
Is the Ellie and Reindeer flash related to (or is) the flash commission you mentioned last week? Or are they two different projects?
2019-08-04 20:31:41
Nice to hear, do your best.
2019-08-04 19:21:46
Can you post the link to the flash?