Hello again!
Sorry for not posting last sunday, but after a week and a little more of being away you become pretty exhausted! So I pretty much went straight to bed when I came home and postponed writing the update til now. I'm quite tired today too, but I can't delay any longer, hoahoa.

Well, I had fun at least. 6 of my friends from all over Sweden joined me and we did all sorta stuff. I won't bother you with the details, hoahao.

My computer's been acting real weird lately, I've been wanting to do a fresh install of windows. Unfortunately, Raz who's got my external HDD connector apparatus is in Greece so I have not been able to get my backup files. I should be able to get ahold of them in the coming week though. For some reason I can't run flash for longer than a couple of hours before my computer starts to chug really hard and eventually crashes. Very frustrating. I sure hope a reinstall will fix these issues because if a part is broken again, I can't afford a new one. I'm all outta money at this point. Bleh. As soon as I can get things running again though, I'll try to finish up the various side projects I have in flash and then get started on that last part of the horse flash.

Speaking of which, since it's going to feature Zu and her sister, Johanna, I thought it would be a good idea to make a final design for her. So here are some sketches of her new, improved look. Hopefully you can tell what kind of girl she is only by looking!
Ink sketch from the front
Ink sketch from the back
Random sketch
And lastly, an attempt to sketch a more accurately proportionate version to color and clothe later!
Pencil sketch
Please give me your thoughts!

Anyway, I finished a bunch of sketches I've had laying around. (And I still have a bunch more to finish up... My backlog is annoyingly long.)

Flower Girl Deflowering, one o' those instant loss kinda comics, sort of...
Big Bellied Baby Bakery Bitch, A commission of an OC receiving hyper cuminflation.
Boot Cum Chugging A, Zu is forced to drink jizz out of her boots. Scenario A.
Boot Cum Chugging B, Zu is forced to drink jizz out of her boots. Scenario V.
Boot Cum Chugging C, Zu is forced to drink jizz out of her boots. Scenario C.

I swear there was something else I wanted to write as well, but I just can't remember what. I guess it's because I'm tired. Well, I should head off to bed then.
2019-07-21 16:07:59
Comments (2)
2019-07-22 10:15:09
Nice arts with boot! But what about Sofi flash?
2019-07-21 16:27:58
Tjo och tjim, det är inte jag som är t2