Happy New Year!
I've spent the days since christmas trying my best to finish all the drawings on my to-draw list and just barely made it. Like, drawing from morning to night several days in a row. It was quite heavy on my drawing hand! So, without further ado, here's all of 'em!

Christmas Party Preparations, Ellie doing some teasing for the upcoming christmas party at the Bitch Breaker Foundation this year.
Bitch Breaker Foundation Xmas Party, A little gangbang!
Daddy's Welcome Home Piggy, a drawing that came to be only because of the lame puns.
Sissy Dog Fuck, I drew the gay dog.
Clam Snitch Tipping, a comic I drew as part of an art trade.
Fight for the Zoo, The return of the Tentacle Donut Box! Who will claim the ownership of Zoo?
Fooled by her Sweet Tooth, Look who else is also introduced to the Tentacle Donut Box.
One Drink Too Much, A New Year's present for the guy who wrote that fan fiction that started the whole Bitch Breaker Foundation thing.
Mom & Daughter Massage Parlor, Zu and her "daughter" the nympho baby now named Trixie opened a "massage parlor". Part of continuous art trading.

The thing that took the longest was probably the comic, that one was a lot of work. I don't think making comics is for me still...

Anyway, there's also a bunch of fanart to check out!

Anon buttfucks Zu, A silly drawing made by Oni Garth.

And another set from GBlastMan of his Peppermint hiring Sixten for some... Interesting work in her workshop. Might she have some ulterior motives?
Santa Mint & Elf Sixten 1
Santa Mint & Elf Sixten 2
Santa Mint & Elf Sixten 3
Santa Mint & Elf Sixten 1 (Textless)
Santa Mint & Elf Sixten 2 (Textless)
Santa Mint & Elf Sixten 3 (Textless)

Zu & Trixie Insect, As part of continuous art trading!

That about covers it for the art stuff.
I took your feedback about the new Ellie skincolor to heart and will be looking into changing it to something less banana-ish. I'll have to find something better soon, because I'll start off 2019 by finishing a sideproject flash involving her!

I'm also sorry about the Lollo flash still not being released! A weird bug came up that ruins the the mood quite awfully and Mittsies hasn't gotten around to figuring out what makes it happen yet.

Hopefully 2019 will be a better year for me. I'm awaiting some computer parts to fix some issues I've had for a long time, which is why I've put the Zoo Beta Scene on hold for a little while. It takes awful long to save on my other harddrive, making it very bulky to work with when you gotta wait like 10 minutes each time you save the damn thing. They sure are taking their time delivering the packages, perhaps it's because of the christmas season? It's always chaos during it.
But like I said, I'm going to work on the smaller project until then. Hope you've had a good 2018, and here's to a better 2019!
2018-12-31 04:41:21
Comments (7)
2019-01-03 10:58:13
Penile ventriloquism! Now that's talent! ;)
2019-01-01 11:51:07
Rock Candy1804818046
2019-01-01 05:51:01
Her eyes don't work properly and she speaks with a dick in her mouth.
2018-12-31 20:17:22
For the fun our imagination, what is the Lollo error?
2018-12-31 20:01:29
Me? nothing but sigh and get my hype murdered once again... .-.
Rock Candy1804418042
2018-12-31 18:38:31
I'm disappointed too. But what can you do?
2018-12-31 07:50:00
Aaaand again dissapointment why am i not even suprised .-.