Damn Downtimes
Apparently there was some sort of IP trouble making only the wonderfully crafted RC.se the only site on the server to be downed. Blargh. Some day I'll find a way to get this piece o junk updated. Anyway, I didn't have a lot to report last weekend anyway. Smash Ultimate released and I spent pretty much the entire weekend playing it. And a good bit of the following week too.

Well, even if I did slack off a lot last week, I did manage to make a new Ellie! And a new Zara and Lollo too, but I've progressed most with Ellie. Her work outfit design is a whole lot better now I think, take a look:

I've also changed her skintone. Don't know if I mentioned before, but I did want to differenciate all my characters' skintones slightly. Since Ellie is of french ancestry, her skin isn't as pale as us regular swedes. I and a friend of mine are still tinkering with the colors of the other characters, but I'll show that progress when we find something we're happy with.

That's it for me unfortunately, but I did receive a whole lot of fanart during this period of time, so enjoy all of this!

Fun at Sheelah's Place, Cerberus Carmine drew a follow up to his previous drawing and it seems Sheelah made true of her words!

Next up, a set of drawings from GBlastMan, who drew Sixten being bullied by his older sister Malin!
Dominant Sister 1
Dominant Sister 2
Dominant Sister 3
Dominant Sister 1 (Textless)
Dominant Sister 2 (Textless)
Dominant Sister 3 (Textless)
Interesting motif, I have to say!

And lastly, some art I received in an art trade!
2 Cats, featuring Zu, Zoo and a whole lot of giant cocks. Drawn by Bumbleborb18, if I read that right.

Well, it's nearing christmas times, so I better try to finish all the drawings that's started to pile up on my todo list. I'd like to start of the new year fresh and with only eyes for flashes and updated character art.
It's bedtime for me now, so I'll see you later!
2018-12-16 20:41:18
Comments (12)
yeet on em
2018-12-19 22:50:55
WTF what a lame answer my guy, answer his questions u spic
2018-12-19 12:25:12
Hope you start the next year with great vibes. Also I hope for your next projects you do movie like animations, since you said it would be easier and also will something really new from you.
Rock Candy1802018019
2018-12-19 06:13:50
There are more things I don't like than do.
King Tut
2018-12-18 21:48:10
Porn is cool and all, but I want to know everything you like about Ultimate. What characters do you like the most? Did you enjoy or beat World of Light? Are you in the Piranha Plant Gang? Tell us anything else too.
2018-12-18 12:17:49
Gotta say I'm not a fan of the skin tone either, she looks like a banana
yeet on em
2018-12-17 22:17:14
2018-12-17 19:41:42
Hashtag MakeElliePaleAgain
2018-12-17 12:27:34
Man she looks great! Love her fat lil clit too~
2018-12-17 06:05:56
I somewhat disagree on the skin tone. It's fine, but against all this blue/cyan/teal/whatever you have on the site, it doesn't look quite right. Maybe a backdrop? On a purely artistic note, I love the little touches on the differences in the three pictures, like the fact that unlike 99% of other nude artists, her bra actually changes her body lines noticeably. Good job
2018-12-17 05:27:53
Yeah, honestly she looks a bit zombish with that skin tone.
2018-12-17 03:47:16
Looks normal to Looks normal to me. Pls draw with cock between tits.
2018-12-16 21:36:28
That skin tone you chose looks awful, it looks like she's got jaundice.