Happy Halloween in Advance
Mine's not so happy, with how things are currently turning out, bleh. No recordings yet, due to unfortunate events in VA's life. I'm going to have to start up on something small side project, I think. Hope that goes better. It'll keep me busy at least.

But, I've at least had a lot of time to finally catch up on all the drawings I've had on my list. So far, I've sketched them all up and I think I've finished up around 45% of them, so that's nice. I made some changes with the sketch I showed off last week too, and I think I'm happy with the changes I made to Zara's bangs. They're less obtrusive and easier to draw! Along with some changes to her clothing, but I guess it won't show as well here in this sketch, since they're all pulled up or ripped apart. I feel like these are good enough to keep as a permanent change at least.

Have a look!

And here are the remaining drawings!

Reverse Check Up, requested by Scotty Kat!
Grand Opening, requested by Kinky Kitty!
Grand Openings, follow up on the previous drawing!
Sagey & Zu Bonus, I've seen this kinda stuff around, so I gave drawing it a shot myself.
Swinging with the Aftermath, the aftermath of the Zu swing condondrum.
Swing at Home, the end of the swing story! Or whatever you'd like to call it...

I'm going to finish up the last drawings then see where things go after there! I have some ideas, but we'll see!
2018-10-29 00:02:41
Comments (11)
Just release it for fucks sake
2018-11-05 20:50:38
For fucks sake just release it without voice if you have to, this shit is getting old. I love your work I really do but it's always VA this, sickness that. I get it, shit ain't going your way but sometimes you gotta cut your loses so just release without the VA, you said yourself it's done and you just need the voice. I used to come here regularly but the constant "sorry guys shit came up" just drives me away. Came back and saw the demo which was awesome and made me check the site every weekend again but after that it was just the same old "shit came up" week after week so nothing has changed here. I get you're doing it for pleasure but just dump the VA and release it without voice.
2018-11-04 21:22:38
So I guess this week was another failure.
2018-11-02 14:22:58
Dayyyumm that's some elaborate speech my man +1 ;D
I just want Anything
2018-11-01 23:41:47
I would give you 5 bucks just to demo the damn thing at this point. Please just get this to fucking market my guy. I love you but come on. Make her a mute. Give her a gag. Put tape over her mouth. Don't draw a mouth. I literally don't care about the voices. No one cares about the voices. Just gives us ANYTHING. Imagine getting married having the best sex ever. Then one day she stops because she thinks she looks fat. Nothing about her has changed, but now, she only gives you handjobs. Once a month, a handjob. A year of this, and you talk and she says, "you know what, I'm not fat, we can do it this weekend". You get a handjob that weekend. Now this new thing of promises, then a handjob go on for lets say, another year. Finally you sit her down, have a long talk. She says she misses the sex, and she just wants you to be happy. You make plans for something romantic. She wants it 3 months from now and you're like damn, we're finally doing this. You take her out, invite her photographer friend she won't shut up about to take your pictures, you even tip the bitch $100 bucks, the works. You get home, She gives you a handjob. You're pictures are the handjob. I like the handjobs, but you know what the fuck I want.
2018-10-31 12:59:26
Still no VA because the voice actress is unprofessional and has no time management skills or work ethic. FTFY
rc butt fan
2018-10-31 09:29:26
Wow, is that Zara in that picture? She looks way better and cuter there. I like the eyes a lot too.
2018-10-29 19:48:46
Yeh, you could just for some money from your fans to help you finishing your projects, even if you don't like it, understand that we want to help you because you make a great content, don't think about it like you are making us pay for your animations, we love you dude.
2018-10-29 19:14:14
OH COME ON how hard is it to just reserve 1 damn day and to the recordings i dunno both her legs blew off or she went mute?? I get it its not your fault but like someone said you should get someone more responsible at first time there was problems or just make a crowdfund for a pro i bet ppl would pitch in because at this rate you won't finish the gig for like another year.
2018-10-29 07:08:23
Shame, was hoping for some Sixten.
Rock Candy1785817857
2018-10-29 01:07:51
I wish I could.
2018-10-29 01:03:54
Now I'm pretty sure you should change the VA or at least look for someone else more responsible.