Comic Finished!
Bet you've waited all week for the conclusion of The Centipit!

The Centipit Page 2!
Comics aren't really my forte, but it was at least interesting to try making one, even if the subject might not interest all that many people. I'll probably not try to draw comics again, I find animation more interesting. Speaking of which, I've been extremely restless not being able to do any of that... My VA has been delayed further. It hurts, but what can you do...

I've been trying to draw things, but I mostly sketch up things and don't finish them, huff. I want to make some halloween themed things, but I don't have many ideas... And I've been bothered by wanting to change up Zara's bangs to something that's less obtrusive.
I made a sketch of a possible change, though I'm not entirely sure if this fits her. (It's also an attempt at a halloween themed thing. Both Zara and Sixten might get the dick from here...)

Tell me if any good, ya?
There's also this here sketch that I drew up, but am unsure of if it's worth continuing with...

Anyway, I have two more drawings to show off today!
Zara Working Out!
Roxy Rocks Zu's Rectum, another art trade I made.

Well, that's what I've got for today. I should try to finish up more drawings this week and hope I don't go insane from not being able to continue with my flash projects.
2018-10-22 01:35:15
Comments (23)
Rock Candy1785517854
2018-10-26 20:15:08
It's her first time voice acting, and I'm not paying her. So along with her needing free time from her personal life, I also had to give her some feedback and have her practice, which delayed the recording a lot since she doesn't have a lot of alone time to record it. It's unfortunately like this with a lot of voiceactresses. And those who do want to get paid, usually raise the price real high, so if you want more than just a few moans you'd have to pay a fortune.
2018-10-26 19:30:21
You're right, but if got the work for free and already got half of it, it would be dumb to start to look for someone else. Anyway at least he should talk to her about this and confirm if she will end her work, because if not then there I would change it. And if rc were paying her, dude I would ask for my money back. And I'm not being rude or anything, I don't think any excuse would make it at this point...
2018-10-26 14:12:34
Would it? She's certainly proven that you can't rely on her to meet any deadlines and has seriously impacted your work. If she tried this for a professional source, she'd have been told to fuck off ages ago.
2018-10-25 00:25:41
Oh, me bad, sorry, you're right then, that would be dumb. Hope your VA make the last part quick.
Rock Candy1785117850
2018-10-24 23:08:04
Yes, I said so last week. But I need all of them to do the sound editing properly.
2018-10-24 23:05:47
Wait, then you do have some of the voices?
Rock Candy1784917848
2018-10-24 19:03:23
I already got half of the stuff, and she's promised to do the rest. Would be pretty stupid to get someone else to do it now.
2018-10-24 17:07:40
IDK, I know it's hell of a problem thought ,but yeah, at this I would consider start to ask for someone else, might one of your fans know somebody...
Rock Candy1784717843
2018-10-24 16:58:53
I know, it hurts.
Rock Candy1784617844
2018-10-24 16:58:32
To who?
Rock Candy1784517842
2018-10-24 16:58:07
Yes, random porn audio is the worst thing. It's never, ever good. But I can't do random mouth movement either, since I need to lipsync the stuff. It worked for those flashes because they had very simple animations.
2018-10-24 15:42:20
I would just change the VA...
2018-10-24 15:33:53
Besides it has been over a half a month or more since the VA proposed to do the job for the flash, I mean, even if it's free you can't delay the job that much and I know she's got a life and all, but it was almost two months already.
2018-10-24 12:59:10
Voice clips from videos almost never sound good unless you're willing to really clean up and match the audio which is a lot of extra work to Frankenstein audio. It would be better to just have the animations moth movements and all with dialogue boxes as placeholders until he got the voice acting like how it was in the headlights and Christmas ham flash. That's how I think it should be done if he decides to do a voiceless beta anyway
2018-10-24 00:26:07
I wouldn't mind if the sounds were generic honestly. Or if it was just dialog from specific porn-vids you'd think would fit. It would just suck if they only thing that stopped more of your projects from being released was simply voices.
2018-10-23 21:27:33
That's what I said before, cuz he could be releasing "betas" and then polish the flash adding everything
2018-10-23 07:07:11
The flash without the sound could be good too
Rock Candy1783717832
2018-10-22 11:19:53
I was going for Zara being a cumhose, but... I dunno, it doesn't give the impression of that.
Rock Candy1783617834
2018-10-22 11:18:12
If at least the Lollo flash was done by this month, I'd be somewhat satisfied.
Long Johnson
2018-10-22 10:52:01
Aw yeah, finally some Sixten! Good job RC!