The beginning of SPOOKS MONTH
And what is more scary than a new episode of Rock n' Raz?!

And: Flash version, but no subtitles.

Still awaiting recordings from VA, so I finished up this and focused on trying to get more drawings done this week. Next week looks like it'll be the same. It's been a year since I started up work on that Lollo flash, and I hope Mittsies gets some time over to finish at least a playtest demo for October. :c

Anyway, here're too drawings I finished up!
Swinging with Zu, I had an YCH kinda deal going on with this, and this is how it turned out!
Sex Slave Zu, something more extreme than what I usually deal with.

And I also received some fanart!
Used up Sofi, fanart from Vandoom!
Orgy, an art piece that I received for drawing that Tera fucking Zu thing!

Well, I'm off to bed. It got really late. Sorry if I seem a bit short of breath today, but I can't really come up with a lot to say, am tired...
2018-09-30 21:09:31
Comments (3)
2018-10-02 23:10:29
Thanks for all your continued work and for the enjoyment you give us, hope you feel better soon!
Rock Candy1779417793
2018-10-01 04:48:13
Anal Monk
2018-10-01 01:11:20
WHO was the hottie on the beach?