Thanks for all the comments!
Appreciate it as usual. I'll go through them all once I start to work with the project and see what might be possible to add in. I've decided to go with this position for now. Unless I come up with something better when I'm about to start it up, that is.

I've talked to the VA that is going to voice Zoo, she's feeling better and is up for the job. Though she needs some practice to get a good feeling for it. I was hoping I'd have some sample for you to listen to, but as of now we don't have anything we are happy with!

Since I've been waiting for coding and voices, I've mostly taken it easy this month. Having nothing to do makes me very restless, so I started up a new Rock n' Raz project just to occupy myself. It'll probably be finished some time during the week.

Until I get the voiceclips I need and the coding is finished, I'm afraid there's going to be some downtime in exciting news. But we can still discuss what to do with the Zu and Johanna flash, if you'd like.

I finished up a drawing as well, hence the late update.
Tera's Babymaker, a follow up (or something) to that previous drawing.

I've had this laying around for a while too! I completely forgot to show it to you guys, so here it is now:
Sofi's refined character bio.
Give me some of your thoughts on this as well!
2018-09-24 09:44:45
Comments (5)
2018-11-01 18:23:29
You should change her weight because according to her BMI she is overweight, just saying.. xd
2018-10-01 11:33:51
Stop spamming.
2018-09-30 04:06:24
Still hoping Sixten somehow makes it in to get his butt pounded!
Rock Candy1778317781
2018-09-25 04:07:48
Getting into character. Making sure they do a voice they can do with a lot of range and emotion.
2018-09-24 20:59:05
How do VAs practice for this type of project?