I got my ass into gear and finished up those last cum animations this weekend. I'm now letting somebody string it together so a demo can be made. I asked my patrons what they thought I should do, release it without voice and facial expressions or wait til all that's done, and it seems like most of them wanted to wait for the voice. I feel like that's a good idea too. I've got a girl who's willing to voicing Zoo a try, so I'm hoping it works out!

I also had some time to think of what to do with the Zu/Zeta part. Since it's going to sport two characters instead of one, and all the previous parts have turned out to become quite laggy and possible crashprone, I had to cut down on some of the planned stuff, the major one being I got to work with two similar styles of bodyshape to be able to recycle animation a lot easier. Zeta didn't like this, so she instead opted to pull out of the project this time around.
I still want to have two characters featured though, so the question is... Who will replace Zeta?

I've been thinking of either Johanna or Sixten. Johanna has a more similar build though, so it might work a lot better with her. Besides, she hasn't been in a flash yet. Because she's practically not a fully fleshed out character yet... But people still want her to receive the dick.

I drew another thing, too! Tearing Tyrant!

Well, until I can get voiceclips to work with and figure out what to do with the Zu part of the farm project, I'm not sure what to do. I guess I'll have to look into side projects or something. We'll see.
I do want feedback and ideas about what to do with the Zu part though, so throw me some in the comments.
2018-09-02 21:27:06
Comments (26)
2018-09-10 12:24:24
I know
2018-09-10 06:59:37
2018-09-10 06:58:00
I want to see Johanna in the flash that would be fun, since she doesn't have any flash, but I think you should decide or maybe your Patreons? Looking forward to the flash!
Rock Candy1766117660
2018-09-08 12:49:16
you're a kinky one
2018-09-08 07:58:59
I gess i could do a horse...
Rock Candy1765717656
2018-09-07 21:31:50
A bunch of girls and a horse.
2018-09-07 20:11:54
what do you need?
2018-09-06 19:13:55
2018-09-06 18:33:28
I agree with you completely, I want more of Sixten getting railed. I also want Beleth to get her ass reamed.
2018-09-06 09:00:29
I know I'm probably being prissy and counter-gay and all, but... I really prefer it when my porn is gay-optional. I mean it's fine it's there. It's catering for some people that enjoys it and should get their kink serviced as well. Problem is that I fee the need to turn off the browser whenever I feel like I'm being forced to endure it.
2018-09-06 08:16:36
Gonna add a little to this since there's no edit function. You've had already people that have been asking for more Sixten inclusion for over a year now on the comments (actually like 2 yearsish if not more?). It seems a majority of them gave up though as every time any opinions are asked in what to include or to have in a flash, and they requested Sixten, you always respond with "I'm not gay" from what I've seen in your scant replies to 'em. He's one of your main characters and the Rudolph flash is one of your, if not your most popular flash, which starred him getting railed. Logically I'd argue Sixten would be the better choice in general, from my perspective, in comparison to a literal who character (Or just another female in general). It always seemed odd to me when you have a perfectly good character that's popular enough (look at how many people enjoyed the rudolph flash) and you choose to have less variety by including more catgirls which already get and hog the spotlight in about 90% of the stuff you do. There's also less variety by consistently doing that. So for people requesting it, for the general love of the rudolph flash, for more variety and just in general to be more unique in having an option who enjoy cat boys, I would argue from a logical stand point, Sixten is by far the better choice. Either way, just my two cents, since I know you like to have people comment about what they like/dislike and what their thoughts are on things. If he's not included, it'll be disappointing and I'll probably skip the flash personally but as always kudos to you for always releasing free porn to the unwashed masses. I hope this helps you reach a conclusion, whatever it may be.
2018-09-06 03:48:33
Sixten, you rarely ever get to see him get butt fucked. Personally I've been waiting for you to include him again.
2018-09-04 22:15:32
Well Johanna would probably be easier to animate since they're both female, and being sisters their body type would be similar... But I'm always down to see Sixten getting his ass railed. Maybe Beleth too, I can't recall ever seeing her be on the receiving end of some monster don't. Maybe you can do something similar to the Zoo loading screen from the Rudolph flash, make a special bonus loop of Sixten or Beleth getting reamed. If it's a bonus loop you don't need to worry about additional settings. I can't wait till the next time I get to hear Sixten's cute moans of pain as he's torn in half by horse cock.
Rock Candy1763217631
2018-09-04 19:15:46
Oh ye? What sort of stuff can you do?
2018-09-04 18:40:27
well if someone is looking for voice-actors i am willing to help any way i can
2018-09-04 13:31:05
Shame that zeta didn't agree, I like her character a lot and I was looking forward to see her in your style and even better to be in your animations. Anyway sounds good to bring a new character to life.
2018-09-03 21:27:12
Wait Zeta pulled out just now after all this time? That seems a bit...Odd. Oh well whatever tbh I was kinda looking forward to her being in it but that's on her :v
2018-09-03 13:56:20
my vote definitely goes for Johanna the sisters need some bonding time ;p
2018-09-03 13:01:31
Good news! Also Zeta is a hack.
Rock Candy1762617625
2018-09-03 12:35:30
Collaborator is kinda busy, so I've not touched it much since. Still a good flash project that I work on if I do some future streams.