Reskin Complete!
Hey there! Site's back up, huh? Apparently, our server guy was moving and I wasn't informed. Typical. But I got a few things to show off today!

First of all, I finished up that Little Dick Riding Sofi Reskin!
Hopefully it looks a lot better. Every art asset is updated, and I even tinkered a little with the animations, redoing the cumscenes completely while still trying to make it look similar to the original. Added as well are an intro and ending in a comic format. And yes, there is a hidden ending. You should know how to find it by this point.

Secondly, a few sketches that were supposed to be collabs... But then never was.
Zara and Ursula - Tittyfuck
Zara and Ursula - Buttfuck
Zara and Ursula - Pussyfuck
Unfortunate, I suppose.

And then two drawings I finished up recently!
Hot, Hot Summer! The weather this summer has been unusually warm, so I was inspired to draw this energic Zara!
Street Slammin', a drawing based off of this fanart thingy from LeatherIceCream, who thought this chick in the background of some basketball game called Street Slam (or Hoop depending on where you live) looked like Zara.

Lastly, I put together a highlight video that Gal Gun 2 stream I and Raz did a while ago.

Hope you enjoy today's update! I'm going to focus on drawing for a while now!
2018-08-07 19:11:56
Comments (3)
2018-08-08 20:10:14
Did that girl who starved died?
2018-08-08 00:37:02
*Good to see you back* was what that was supposed to say...
2018-08-08 00:35:30
Hoodoo see you back. Got a little concerned when the site totally vanished!