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My feet are starting to feel like normal again, yey. I did a lot of sketching during the week, but then I got the idea of trying to update the graphics of one of my older flashes, which ended up taking up the latter part of the week.

This flash was Little Dick Riding Sofi. A flash that I'm not really satisfied with. But I went through it and updated and changed some of the graphics of it. I'll touch up some of the animation too. Shouldn't be too difficult.

Here's what it looks like currently:

If you compare to what the original version looked like, I hope you think it's a vast improvement, because I sure do.

I also went and made a sketch for a little story accompanying it.

This also means I'll have to make some sort of ending strip for it too, I suppose!

Anyway, it's something quick and refreshing I could work on. I hope to get it done soon!

I also recieved fan art from LeatherIceCream: Zara and Sofi Talk. Thanks much!
2018-07-22 17:21:44
Comments (18)
Rock Candy1746717465
2018-07-27 11:30:08
Unfortunately not possible. She doesn't even have tits though, so does it really that much of a difference?
2018-07-25 21:48:05
As long as you're updating that flash, would it be too much to ask to have an option to show her tits? It's not really fappable for me without.
2018-07-24 09:22:43
We'll see, we'll see, mwaahahahaha!>:) Seriously, it's your decision, I always glad to see that you do!)
2018-07-24 08:31:54
Literally anything with Ellie
Rock Candy1746217457
2018-07-24 05:16:12
I consider Redheads in the dark a sort of remake of Blonde in the dark. Blonde in the dark is so old and weird, I'm unsure if it's even possible to change things up in it. I could take a look at it I suppose. Titty punchan might work too. Can look into it. Need to finish this first though.
Rock Candy1746117455
2018-07-24 05:12:26
Sofi doesn't shave, so it is not something that will be an option.
2018-07-23 23:40:17
Ah shit, I'm hyped! Really enjoyed that flash (and anything with Sofi in particular) can't wait to see it! Hope the ending involves puppies :D (or impregnation).
2018-07-23 15:42:07
Going back and touching up old animations, possibly adding things to them as well, would be pretty awesome! Lookin' good so far.
Shitface McGee
2018-07-23 13:26:11
Anything with Ellie would be amazing (Best wifu in my opinion). This remake looks good!
2018-07-23 12:43:39
My pick would also be bhee still hoping you'll remake it or do a sequel one day. But if it's too old my other choices of titty punchan or blonde in the dark would be too old also? I think they came out the same year. If that's the case then it's fine, I'm still patiently waiting on the new stuff and know it'll be great when released
2018-07-23 09:21:34
And do you want to add a secret in the flash? Maybe a secret button or a surprise action? I liked this flash then, but it looked pretty simple, without any unexpected things like things that usually contain in your wonderful flashes.
2018-07-23 09:13:32
The wolfs look great! I always happy when you go back to Sofi's projects. And sorry for that, one more time, do we have any chances to see Sofi in that flash without public hair (I don't want to ask you to shave her one more time XD) Maybe a simple button which turn it off and on? If it to hard to make it's OK, I'm not me if I didn't ask it.)
Rock Candy1745417453
2018-07-23 07:53:48
But I'm already remaking Zoo-philia. I've shown plenty of WIP screenshots and even an animation of that. BHEE is too old and would need a full on remake.
Rick Dangerous
2018-07-23 07:14:39
A remake of Big Healthy Easter Eggs or Zoo-philia would be welcome in my book. ^_^
Rock Candy1745217451
2018-07-23 04:49:59
Is there any other project you'd like to see updated? Because it depends on the complexity of the project and how old it is. If it's really old, it's better to just redo it fromn scratch and then it's hardly worth it.
2018-07-23 04:06:55
Will you be revising any other older projects with the downtime of waiting on coding of recent flashes or was this a one time thing?
2018-07-22 22:31:35
>it's something quick and refreshing I could work on. I hope to get it done soon! I look forward to seeing it completed in 2023
2018-07-22 19:20:11
the simple fact Sofi doesn't look weirdly undernourished with ribs sticking out like in the original is a great improvement already. Hoping for a finished version going well. And the dumb wolves in last panel of the sketch made me laugh.