Back from Riddarveckan
I'm here again. Sorry I didn't manage to squeeze out an update before I left, but I kept procastinating packing, so I had to run real quick! I had a lot of fun, but I'm in so much pain right now. I walked on sizzling hot asphalt barefoot and now I can barely walk. At least I can still draw and shit, but urgh. I sure hope it heals up sooner rather than later.

I'm gonna try and draw some stuff today at least, then we'll see how it goes. I'm feeling like drawing Ellie, so you might get some of her later!

No words from Mittsies on the flash still, but I've asked Meriyel to see if she can do something with the Ellie part of the farm project. Her computer is currently borked though. But it's at least a possibility!

So ye, will let you know how all of this goes on sunday! Now there aren't any more planned trips on my part.
2018-07-16 08:44:15
Comments (5)
Rock Candy1744717446
2018-07-22 02:31:44
I ain't sure what sort of animation you guys do, but for me it's important to be able to have animations within animations. To have a bit of randomness in it. I am not sure what other programs let me do that. But hey, send me a link when it's done and I'll check it out.
2018-07-21 22:16:10
I don't know about you, but I've been helping Neokat slowly move away from Flash, by coding a shiny new engine for him, from scratch! I'm taking a page from LucasFilm Games, and their "SCUMM" engine, and our custom engine for porn games, is called "SPUNK" :P Our project that was interrupted by both of us working on Project X, will be completed in the next couple of months! The project planned after that, is a beat-em up, that'll easily put Project X to shame! Mwahahahaha!!! >:D
2018-07-17 17:38:40
hope you had fun my guy, glad you're back
Rock Candy1743917438
2018-07-16 13:12:45
It's sort of a medieval fair.
Still A Random Dude
2018-07-16 12:32:25
So what is Riddarveckan anyway? Some sort festival?