Yo, I'm back!
Sorry for being absent these last days, but on the plane ride home I got really sick. I've been in bed sleeping for like two days. My throat is killing me right now, it's terrible. I wanted yo draw some stuff when I got back, but alas. Only sickness for me.

Well, if you followed my twitter adventure, you should've gotten a good enough idea of what went down while I was gone! Except for the last days where it was just raining and then I got too sick to even think about taking pictures. I'll update the twitter with the loot I brought back soon after finishing writing this news post.

I'd reply to some of the comments on the last news post, but there's just so much whining. If you're unhappy with what's posted on site, join the discord where I'll post WIP shit and stuff if I can. Maybe it'll help out a little, since I announce when I'm about to stream there and whatever. Or don't and continue to whine or leave, it's up to you I suppose. It's not like I'm happy with the current situation either. But yeah, everything's just an "excuse", whatever that means. I'd like to hear hat's classified as not an excuse for once. Bet it's just shitposting.

Anyway, I go ttwo nice birthday drawings while I was gone!
One from Cinndrie!
And one from Absented Tangent!
Thanks much guys, appreciate it very much!

Can't really think of anything to write at the moment, but I wanted to get an update out there.
2018-06-18 11:45:15
Comments (15)
2018-06-24 14:44:23
Check out the page every Sunday. Get disappointed every Sunday.
2018-06-24 13:17:02
Only lobotomy will help him.
Denny's mom
2018-06-22 22:41:29
Try some preparation H, sweetie.
Rock Candy1736817367
2018-06-22 11:48:53
Then why are you here
2018-06-22 11:18:09
Rock, Your some autist that lives off SSI from a shitty country being invaded by people that want to murder you. More so, you're some nintendrone faglord that thinks Earthbound is the pinnicle of good games. I couldn't give a fuck about your life or your problems. Stop whining what the fuck do you even do all day with yourself? You have no fucking job.
Rock Candy1736417363
2018-06-21 04:32:46
Sure, any help is welcome. I don't know, I only know how to animate in Flash, so we'll see I guess.
2018-06-20 20:21:13
Well, it's object oriented programming as well, if I get around to learn it, perhaps I could help out in the future. Talking about flash dying, will you consider making game on different platform in the future?
2018-06-19 19:15:17
yeah, i missed it XD thanks :D with regards to the angry mob, most of them just feel entitled to your content despite the fact that you've done this for free for 'years' now. you keep doing you RC, i'm always happy to wait for updates as I know the finished product is going to be awesome as they have always been.
2018-06-19 01:51:03
You been doing this for free for years, ignore the whines of the people feeling cucked for some reason. Hope you feel better soon!
Rock Candy1735817355
2018-06-19 00:39:07
Actionscript, it's exclusive to Flash. I don't know what they teach in university, but since flash is dying I doubt they teach that now.
Rock Candy1735717354
2018-06-19 00:38:03
It's on the main page, you can't miss it. And ye it was nice, except for the sickness and the rain.
2018-06-18 21:21:46
I think your doing pretty good RC! No rush on the flash, you keep doing what you love and we will keep supporting you.
2018-06-18 21:16:30
Yo RC, is the programming you need in your games the same as the introductory object oriented programming they teach in a CS program at an university? What language is it in? If it is, maybe I can help out with whatever I can as of now.
2018-06-18 19:01:49
hey what's the discord link? also hope you enjoyed your trip, Japan's an awesome place :3
Some guy
2018-06-18 15:03:11
Welcome back, loved your photos. it's a shame you didn't get to see more of Kyoto.