Hello... And Goodbye!
I was away over the weekend, so I procrastinated the update a little. Sorry 'bout that, heh heh.

A guy recently came to me, offering to help me out with some coding! I gave him the Ellie part of my farm project, so I canget a beta out soon. I'm not sure how skilled or fast he is, so I can't say when it'll be released. But I'm glad it's being worked on at least, I've yet to hear anything from Mittsies and the Lollo flash. Bleh.

Today, I've got some erotic fan fiction for you guys to read!

Beginning with Rudolph's Therapist!
It's a story about Sixten and Rudolf, written by FlamingFlamingo. Contains some gay stuff, if that wasn't obvious already. So for those who enjoyed Sixten's side of Rudolf's Revenge, perhaps this is right up your alley!

The other one, I had donate-commissioned from a guy almost two years ago, and he got to writing it just recently, hoahoa. Still faster than me finishing a flash.
Playing Stork!
Written by Jesse Graves, you can find more of his stuff here: Lisa's Nook on Tumblr. This one's about his character Lisa and Zu.

Give 'em some feedback or comments, I'm sure they're eager to see what people thought of their stories.

As for myself, I'm sorry I haven't uploaded a lot of things recently. It's been mostly bigger projects I've worked on.
I'll also be going to Japan for round 2 weeks on thursday, so the site won't be updated until I come back! But I'll try to be active when I can on our discord server and I'll make sure to post photos of our adventures on Twitter! I did it the last two times as well, so check that out if you're interested in what we can find and do.

And if that Ellie beta flash reaches playable state while I'm away, I'll make sure to try and find a way to get it to ya. Might want to look out on twitter and discord for that as well, if so.
2018-05-29 06:35:06
Comments (32)
2018-06-17 23:34:26
Man I hope you're okay, it's been 2 weeks already hasn't it? Then again I forget what time you usually update with time differences and all.
2018-06-11 23:59:07
i wont lie i thought you were shutting down the whole site (heck heard the zeta group was as well but they aren't? idk need to look into it) anyway have fun being in japan
2018-06-11 22:36:38
No u.
2018-06-11 13:45:49
Shutup fag.
2018-06-10 19:27:59
2018-06-10 13:37:37
Ignore them, is the flash released today?
2018-06-09 20:08:00
At least he's no patreon cuck. Just a weaboo cuck that loves to blueball his fans for months. Wich is still better then a patreon cuck in my book of cuckery.
2018-06-09 06:47:14
Don't bother man, all this has been covered before - several times in fact. It's just one excuse after another. He doesn't care nor is willing to change. Save your breath.
Gaping Asshole
2018-06-08 12:34:14
LMAO "Animation takes time" is the most braindead response possible. No fucking shit Sherlock, animation takes a lot of time. You know what DOESN'T take that much time tho? Finding VAs and Coders to assist you (and I mean find, coding a flash won't take as long as animating but I'll take Rock/Mittsies word that coding this particular upcoming flash is more arduous than usual). Like shit, you'd think if you're actually being PAID MONEY to do this you'd have a little more foresight and plan ahead. While you're spending time animating, find and hire the people you need, instead of waiting until after you've finished the bulk of the animating and maybe shit like this wouldn't happen. You've managed to blueball so many of your fans (another oldfag here), especially when you say shit like "maybe if we're lucky the flash will be coming out next weekend" then another week passes, then another. I know it isn't entirely your fault, but you certainly could have taken precautions. Notice how almost none of the people complaining attack the quality of the animations itself? You're a great animator, but if you want to save face with your patrons and your pleb fans, get your shit together Rock and return to the level of consistency you used to have
2018-06-07 13:34:49
I swear none of you niggas would have complained if you were in the discord server. besides, it's a well known fact that rc is on valve time
2018-06-07 10:15:56
I don't wanna join the masses of people who complain about no content, but there isn't much else to do. I stopped checking on the flash progress 4 or 5 months ago. Then I remembered that this place still exists and decided to check it out. Obviously, nothing has changed. I still have hope that RC will come through but it won't be anytime soon. Regardless, I've appreciated the work you've done in the earlier years. The content is timeless and I've recorded my favorites just in case the captain goes down with the ship. Hope all is well RC. Thanks for the faps. So long and best of luck.
2018-06-06 06:37:19
Also I realize I might have worded it wrong, I meant so your animated work doesn't go stagnant. I realize you still put out sketches and pictures and appreciate that, just personally I separate the pictures and animations as different works.
2018-06-06 06:23:20
Man, that title kinda worried me. Also why are people complaining? A lot of shit happens.I mean it took me 3 weeks to get a medical issues checked out and finally get results. Some of you guys forget that he's not a coder, he's not a voice actor for females, he's an artist and animator. Like if it takes a single doctor who is slammed weeks for me to get my results back despite him having everything. Imagine having to rely on people so much, that by the time you get what you need your skills improved so you want to redo everything to bring that project back up to snuff with what the people expect. Should he complain too the others? Maybe, but at the same time he probably doesn't because he doesn't want to lose people he's used to working with. He's at least put out pictures, sketches, animations, and he probably feels like shit which kills his motivation. Mix that with having an actual life, yeah it's kinda not surprising that it's taking forever. But he constantly keeps us up to date. Does this mean he isn't at fault, No. Like RC I love your work and all, but maybe before you put out interactive flashes again, your next project should be an animated video. At least until you get a proper coder, with that you'd only have to rely on voice actresses and whom ever else. Will it limit your creativity? Yes and no. Yes because it won't be as interactive, and what is in the vid is what we get. No, because at least you'll be letting your work flow instead of being stagnant, and when you finally do get to the point of getting a coder, you won't be feeling bleh. You'll be in motion already. Ya know, a body in motion stays in motion, a body at rest stays at rest kind of thing. But, that's my two cents. I still wish you immense luck and joy in the future. As for me, I need to go do some work of my own and get over a fear of needles. Hopefully you're still around to tell us the next update.
2018-06-06 03:24:56
Good Winds and enjoy your journeys Down the crimson Canal, Mr. Oldfag.
2018-06-06 02:53:09
take care
2018-06-06 00:46:53
oh shit i was wrong its been even longer
2018-06-06 00:44:16
been 3 years since the last major flash. this place is dead, im out, fuck wasting my time on fake excuses first ever comment in 6 years
2018-06-05 03:36:40
Have a great trip Mr. Buttmonkey! ^_^
2018-06-04 18:51:44
Dont let comments like these discourage you. If I were an artist, I'd take them as inspiration. It means that there is a real demand for your work and your fans are hungry for the next project... just try not to starve us to death ok? ;)
2018-06-04 09:28:07
I hope you're going to have a good trip, RC!^_^