Further progress and ideas!
I've been thinking of what to add to my patreon thingy over the past week. I'm pretty sure I could probably do some sort of lighthearted art stream doing doodle requests or make some monthly drawings poll, although I'll have to look into how to one sets up both of those things. I've been trying to talk to people about it, but most are hyped up for the new upcoming flash, hoahoa! So I'm doing another attmempt at trying to make the ball rolling! What are some things you'd like to see or do with the Patreon reward kinda stuff?

I'm making good progress with the Lollo flash too. I've yet to decide on a context for it, which I'll have to do soon... Hauf. Anyway, better post some progress screenshots so you don't go hatin' me.

Like this, you'll see the gist of the cumshots animation. Without actually seeing it in motion!
Being done with the cumshot, I can soon move on to making the new blowjob animation as well. I just need to figure out and tweak a few things first...

Well, I also have some other arts stuff to show before I go to bed!
Fanart from Cinndrie!

Art Challenge Doodle.
Fan colored Zu & Tsal!

Yeah, that's pretty much it for today! Let's see where this takes us. Good night!
2017-08-27 18:18:42
Comments (5)
2017-09-04 22:13:28
when you guys doing another flash/game im in dire need of another one lol
2017-09-04 09:49:13
2017-09-04 09:07:01
No update this week? I hope this means that that you are making progress and are too focused to remember. Cheers Buttmonkey :)
Rock Candy1605816052
2017-09-03 10:08:09
How can I say that I'll release something at a certain date when I have no idea how long it'll take to finish it? I can't really lie and change it each time the set date comes near. I also enjoy fleshing out my characters and using them in various ways. If you find their in depth character bios disappointing and aggrivating then perhaps you're not truly a fan of what I do? Sounds like you're just in it for the porn when you word it like that.
Alan White
2017-09-01 22:48:51
I Love your flash animations, but as a fan It's both disappointing and aggravating to see so many things being done like stories, in depth character bios, other unrelated flash animations, but no adult flash since may of 2016.That was 15 months ago, not to be mean but, I'm sure you lost followers because of constant delays and they just forgot about how good your animations are since they hadn't seen a new one. You wont gain lots of new followers unless they know that when you say it will be posted on a certain day and they are excited and anticipating iit from all the teaser pictures and clips that it will be there. If they see constant delays eventually they wont check the site because they'll assume it was delayed once more and they'll lose interest. I really Love your work, I'd love for you to be able to make a living making flash games and pictures, and I'm sure you would too, but that wont happen if you're not consistent even if you tell people it will be finished in a month when you know you'll be done in one week. that would make people come to your site more often because they will want to see maybe you finished early but no one will be upset if it takes how long you said. Please dont take this as anger or criticism, but as advice from someone that wants you to succeed so you'll have more free time to work on what is clearly your passion and talent. -Alan White