Computer Problems
What was supposed to be a good update today quickly turned into an awful one. Somehow both my main harddrives failed at the same time, like an hour ago or something. I can't access either of them at this point. I'm going to have it looked at tomorrow, so hopefully we'll be able to salvage all of my stuff!

Anyway, like I promised, have the new and updated Zu![Zu_&_Zeta's_Zoological_Zone].png

Stuff was looked at, and it's completely dead. I've put the HDD in the freezer, so maybe I'll be able to save the most important things in the morning.
2016-09-25 13:03:16
Comments (27)
2016-09-29 20:42:01
It's a new flash or buttbus ?
2016-09-29 18:09:08
If id were you id switch to SSD as fast as possible since their read n write are superior and have better storage capacity. HDD are just too old school now. Id found more problem to my HDD then i do with ssd oh and i comes with a quiet mode too for your fapping needs
Rock Candy1524115240
2016-09-29 15:27:11
The disk isn't spinning, the only thing to do is to send it to repairs, and that is way too expensive.
2016-09-29 15:05:01
Maybe you should try "TestDisk" from a linux live-cd like system-rescue-cd (sometimes even when undetected, Linux is more "permissive" to detect some stuff unusable than Windows), sometimes TestDisk helped me to save some files from undetected disk. Anyway, you should use cloud services like dropbox/google drive/mega/... Even if not the place to stock everything, it should be a good things to keep daily backup.
2016-09-29 13:06:36
Try to find a way to use "Get Data Back" on it! It happened twice to me and I could save almost everything!
2016-09-29 00:17:15
The image you posted hyped me the fuck up big time. Looks great dude, this might be something that tops one of my all time best faps ever, the first fap I did when the Rudolf Revenge game came out. Still fap to it some times to this day, which is more than I can say about other things. Seriously, the progression from "no don't" to cumslut is amazing and the squirting had me diamond hard my friend. Now, I really hope you didn't lose your progress bud. That'd be a disaster! Should really start using dropbox or MEGA for stuff like this. It's really worth keeping valuable things in online storage.
2016-09-28 13:00:13
What i meant is: in the case the flash is is dead, start again and continue the flash knowing that still in drop box the drawings of Zu and Zeta and the screenshot
Miracle Max
2016-09-28 11:58:03
Whoa ho ho, look who knows so much! It just so happens that your flash here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead, there's usually only one thing you can do.
2016-09-27 19:50:48
So jo ZZZZ flash anymore?
Rock Candy1523215230
2016-09-27 13:38:08
Ye, perhaps I should. Dropbox Business seems to be pretty reasonably priced. I'm going to see if this caddy thing can do anything first, though.
2016-09-27 12:52:14
Ah man that really sucks dude. Maybe you should invest in a business level cloud service? I don't know how big these projects are memory wise for you, but backing up onto a cloud is a LIFESAVER sometimes. I really think you should consider a Patron, extra income is never a bad thing.
Rock Candy1522815227
2016-09-27 06:53:17
No, it was called something else.
i am this close to offing myse
2016-09-26 22:11:55
lemme guess, seagate?
Rock Candy1522615225
2016-09-26 16:11:54
Like, it doesn't even spin up. There's nothing wrong with my computer, it's just the HDD. The only other solution we know is to get a caddy or something and see if that can do anything to it.
2016-09-26 15:45:23
Thats why i said try getting a friend to bring over his PC or something. Attach the HDD to his computer internally and then use testdisk to try and recover the files off of it. Id say its too early to call it a lost cause. Especially since you spent so much time working on assets and whatever else might be on those HDDs. Its worth fighting for.
Rock Candy1522415222
2016-09-26 14:04:26
Looks like I wont be able to. The things lost was mostly just art assets, but still. I don't have a patreon. I get a lot of questions about that though. Maybe I should get one.
Rock Candy1522315220
2016-09-26 13:53:16
It doesn't even connect to my computer.
2016-09-26 13:43:33
Yeah, that's their main downfall imo. Hope you can get your progress back. The recent flash was looking AMAZING. The "ZOO" series of flashes are your best imo. You're the best when it come to this kinda flash. Do you have a Patreon?
2016-09-26 11:28:42
So i take it the HDD with your operating system on it broke too? Thats a real shame. But ive had this happen before. Ive managed to save files from supposedly "dead" HDDs using Testdisk. Might be worth a look into. You would need a working computer though so theres that. Do you have a second PC lying about or does a friend have one he could carry over to help out? Dont lose hope just yet. There might be a way. Try everything until you declare it lost. I make music myself and lost lots and lots of projects due to an external drive dying without being able to recover them. I know the feel. On a side note, putting a HDD in the freezer sounds weird. Ive never heard of it before. What is it supposed to accomplish?
2016-09-26 09:39:17
That's tough luck right there. Welp what can you do hope you get your problem resolved man. Don't worry I'm a passionate man, I can wait longer. :)