I've finally finished that one part of the flash I've been talking about lately. Now I just gotta get somebody to code the thing to see if it actually works like I want it to. In the mean time, I'll work on making a new Zu pose, since I was not too happy with the current one. It's going to be my goal for next sunday, to have it in a completed enough state to show off!

Since I've been working on the flash only, I don't have anything to show, sadly. So this newspost is going to be a little short.

If it wasn't for this piece of fan art, I'd have to end the post here, but since I do have it, here's some more Shrapnel stuff!
The least sexy face imagineable
For some reason, Shraps cannot phantom how Zu's hairdo works in 3D, and thus cannot draw it correctly. That's what he told me at least. I don't think it's too difficult, but I'm the one who came up with it, so... Perhaps other people who've attempted to draw it could shred some light on the subject?

Oh, one thing before I go!
Are any of you gifted musically? I want some original music for this flash, but DM DOKURO (who I usually ask to make music) is too busy with his own projects to help me out this time. I'd like someone to create an original track (or a remix of something, if necessary) to fit the mood of a farm-like enviroment. I'm quite openminded when it comes to exactly what sort of music style it is, but some of the more... What should you call them? "core"-ish songs might not be fit for this. I'm not that great with musical terms, but I suppose I'd try to explain myself further if needed.

So if anybody think they're up for the task, do send me an email at: [email protected]

I dunno if I can offer anything in return though. Exposure, perhaps? Haw haw!

Anyway, I'm going to try to go get tired so I wont go to bed at 9 in the morning again.
2016-09-18 19:24:41
Comments (5)
Rock Candy1519915198
2016-09-19 15:09:03
Sure, go for it. I think folk or country would work best for a farm setting, but I try to be openminded.
Lord D-Nice
2016-09-19 12:58:56
I am a professional musician. I work in a studio and have recorded with many a well known artist. Let me know the genres you want for the flash and elaborate on what you want musically. I'm a fan of your work so I'll do it as a favor. If you want I can send you a few things I've worked on but only if you care to hear.
Rock Candy1519715196
2016-09-19 07:38:58
Yes, something like that would be nice. A good beat with maybe some country-like influences.
2016-09-19 04:06:57
Awesome notice, about the music thing, would be something like the one of the [Zoo-philia] flash? Since i want to learn to make some beats i'll give it a try to do something...
2016-09-18 22:23:28
Keep it up can't wait for that flash.