Oh dear, am I tired today. I've been sketching a bunch, but I did not get so far with any of them that I'd start to clean them up. It sucks. So I don't have much to show off this week. I did however make a good amount of progress made flashwise! Next week I'll probably finish up one major part of the project, which will feel nice. Then I'll only have the rest left to do, haw haw... :c

Well, it's fun at least. It's always easier to work when you're having fun! So I'll try to have fun with the rest of it, too!

Also since Ellie's main profile pictures are done, I started to sketch on a new Sixten again. Here's some very basics: WIP Sixten
Is he looking good? Bad? Is too early to tell? Any feedback would be nice, anyhow.

By the way, I also got Psycho Girl's new bio up and readable on the site, so shake dat out if you're interested in her!
Psycho Girl's updated bio

Mye. I think I'm gonna head to bed and try to get some sleep in. I've been having some real weird dreams lately that have made me feel odd in the mornings. I don't know why. See ya next sunday!
2016-08-28 16:32:37
Comments (10)
2016-08-31 02:34:48
RC you was in one of my strange dreams, you just poped up one second and i don't remember what you told me but i didn't understand what you said, you had that japanese hat in your head, i guess it was for my wants to dream with Zu
Rock Candy1514015128
2016-08-29 14:35:30
I used to keep a dream diary so I've got a decent dream memory. Though it was a long time ago so now I only remember fragments. The most memorable part of one of m recent dreams was that a naked Zu and a friendly engineer got mowed down by a heavy with big green anime eyes. It was such a twist ending I woke up pretty shocked, hoahoa.
2016-08-29 10:46:23
*Telling their dreams
2016-08-29 10:44:56
Oh fuck, i just readed those comments of people telling i went to sleep and i had a strange dream contagious
2016-08-29 02:23:47
Sixten looks good so far, no major complaints.
Trust Me.
2016-08-29 00:46:25
Drink milk and wash your feet before you go to bed.
2016-08-28 20:25:55
Oh god get over it everyone has dreams your not special , you ever set foot in my dreams metaphorically' you would never want to sleep again, try hallucinating in the morning and actually seeing what you've been dreaming right in front of your eyes..but boo hoo I'm one with the universe and I'm the only one who matters in this shit stain of the world
2016-08-28 18:50:43
weird dreams, since almost 2 years approximately i cant stop dreaming about i commit suicide or someone just kills me, and the fucking dreams feels too real, its really anoying...
2016-08-28 18:31:50
Same here with the weird dreams lately lol. I had one where I was for some reason being hunted by some big company. Then I was at some festival eating a hot dog, then I jumped a car through to office buildings with a bomb in the back so I could blow up the main one. Also Harley Quinn was there, but that was probably just because shes hot. Either way, I woke up and was left just wondering the fuck was going on. hahah. Anyway, that's my story done. Bye.
2016-08-28 18:10:59
Sixteen looks better than the other version,the other looked like a muscle porn actor, this one looks like a normal boy