Bad Luck
After the domain problem was solved, we had some bad luck with the server instead. No idea why it took so long to get it back up... Probably lack of communication. Bleh.

Anyway, I think I did manage to fix up Ellie's profile picture to the end of the day. I also realize I forgot to show the changes I made to Zu and Zoo, so have a look at all of them now!

Zu Nude
Zu Underwear
Zu Clothed

Zoo Nude
Zoo Underwear
Zoo Underwear 2
Zoo Clothed

Ellie Nude
Ellie Underwear
Ellie Clothed

So far, I think Ellie has the most significant changes. It's almost unbelieveable how much fast it was to make this compared to last time. I say it a lot, but I really do think this new way of coloring stuff is so much better. Should I try to explain how to, or is it an uninteresting topic?

Next, I shall try to finish Louise and after her, I have to touch up Sixten some. He's a really troublesome boy...
Speaking of those two, they've continued their possession adventures!
Possessed 2!

And ye, since the site was down most of the week, perhaps ya missed the update I wrote in the few hours the site was up between the domain trouble and the server trouble, but I managed to get in an update there! So go and look at that if ya want, I uploaded some images in it.

Also, I'm not quite sure about this, but I got the site a twitter account. I have no idea of how to use it, or any interest of using it at all for communication or whatever, but I thought it might be a good thing to post updates on incase the site goes down and shit. It might also be a good for announcing when streams are about to start and flashes about to be released, so uh... Follow it, I guess? Or don't, it depends on how much you're interested. I and Raz definately want to start to stream soon, so if ya don't want to miss us live, it should be good for that. Hopefully, this will go well.

So ye, I'm gonna go do some stuff and then go to bed. Nightsies to all of ya!
2015-11-15 19:54:52
Comments (3)
Rock Candy1433414333
2015-11-17 12:18:38
This isn't uncommon.
2015-11-17 09:14:14
bad luck? i did say you´re lucky since your page still alive
2015-11-16 12:02:25
Dude, you never fail to impress.