RC.se is alive once again
Server acted up again, apparently. Should be OK now.

Phew, the Halloween flash seems to come along pretty gut. I'm not really comfortable with doing this style of animation, so progress has been slower than I wanted to. Yet, it's still come long way.
I need to look into voicing and sounds soon, but I have a bad habit of ignoring that until I finish all the art and animation. Heh.

Well, I did sketch some things up during the week, but I only finished one thing, namely this:
Zu's made a mistake. Will ya help her or take advantage of her? I'm curious!

I've also recieved some neat fanarts this time around!
An amazing Ghost Sofi made by Cinndrie!
There's also a Cum version, for some reason.
Quick reminder that ya have to press "Download" on the picture page to view the full version of the image. The preview version doesn't do it any justice, I noticed. I've been trying to get that stuff looked at, but not been successful in making aybody care.

I also recieved a neat Dickgirl Zu sketch from katsugan at FA. It's nice to see sum of dat action too!

And for those of ya who likes the lesbo kinda stuff, I've recieved two fanfictions from the same author, Kattlarv, covering some of that action. I know I don't like it, so reading them was kinda erk, haw haw. But they're still good, so shake 'em out if you're interested!

First one's "More Than a Mouthful", which is Sofi getting what she deserves, apparently!

Second one's "Thorough Swabbing at the Bar", which covers Zara toying around with some new friends.

Since it is Halloween times soon, I've been pondering about what would be my characters' worst fears.
So far I've only come up with one good thing, which is for Zu. I think what would completely destroy her would be neutering the poor girl. I'm not sure if she would recover from that.

Thinking about it too much makes me a bit depressed myself. I better go sleep it off.
See ya next sunday!
2015-10-11 19:46:11
Comments (1)
2015-10-13 15:43:23
Looking forward to the next flash Rockcandy. This is actually the first time typing out your name fully. I forgot you were an item in Mario RPG (snes). Thanks for the item version Rock Candy.