6 new drawings!
A lot of people have asked me about boy characters for some reason, I dunno why, but I've thought about making a boycharacter for a while, so I decided to draw a sketch of him.
This, is Sixten. I'll write him into the "story" of my other characters sometime...
As for now, I'll keep it secret!

Then I drew this:
Popsicle up butt!
It's a sketch as well, but I kinda like it... Something looks wrong with it, but I can't figure out what it is... I like the idea, anyway!

Exhörder wanted more of sluts, so I drew this.
Slutty Za is slutty.
She's not really sad, even thuogh it looks like she is. She's just "role-playing".

Ugh, I worked on this all day yesterday: Zoo the cumdumpster.
It took forever! At least it felt like that.
Afskg. Anyway, I hope you like it.

Some of you may remember the Kitsune Girl I drew a while ago. It was just a random character, but a girl liked her and I "gave" it to her.
So, I present to you: Kiya, the kitsune gurl.
Being raped by tentacles is always a nice welcome gift! :3

Also, I found this old sketch lying around on my computer:
Ellie is gonna get raped by Petey Piranha!
I think I wanted to make a flash out of it at some point.
But I decided not to for some reason.

Oh, and don't worry about the ZuBound testplaying, I already have more than 5 now! D:
2010-07-08 06:31:12
Rock Candy
Comments (21)
2010-08-09 19:42:02
Zoo cumdumpster pics nice!!! More pics with full on bondage would be nice!
2010-07-17 03:14:29
I do believe all posts involving Xylo should be deleted. Anyway, everybody, I was given the Kiya pic. My first RP char, and I think she needed a makeover. RC had that kit girl pic, and I liked it a lot! So me and Rock worked on ideas for colors for her. Maybe you should post that sketch? :3
2010-07-16 12:24:31
You make Zu and me cry:*( I'm leaving and Xylo ruind everything cuz' he's the Devil! I am sorry Rock candy best site in the entire world. Goodbye.
2010-07-15 20:41:34
rofl at xylo
DM DO-Oh, my god, we've encountered something special.
2010-07-15 19:14:26
Ladies and gentlemen, Xylo is the first troll on Rock Candy. Congratulations.
Rock Candy
2010-07-15 16:16:52
Great comeback (y)
2010-07-15 14:26:08
2010-07-15 14:23:52
Uhh I have a name. And by the way he has a great taste of art. Xylo you are making the site look bad stop talking please.
2010-07-15 14:19:15
You better shut your fucking mouth pinkarina. rock candy has a bad taste of art it is very stupid!! nothing but a worthless slut!!
2010-07-15 13:27:54
Xylo IS EVIL!! D: But I know Gardevoir. Xylo should not use that word.
2010-07-15 13:23:54
Hey rock candy. you've got taste of art. NICE WORK! :D I love the anal.
2010-07-15 03:16:57
Okay, okay! >w<
Rock Candy
2010-07-13 03:48:53
Resembles is not a human, it just looks like it. It is still a pokemon! It is still do not want!
2010-07-13 02:18:58
Um, yes, it's a pokemon, but it resembles a human, believe it or not. Not furry at all. Hehe.
Rock Candy
2010-07-11 14:04:31
What are you talking about? Gardevoir, wtf is that? A pokemon? I don't watch furry shit.
2010-07-11 13:54:10
You copied popsicle up in ass by the gardevoir quiz FUCKHEAD!!!
Ampere @ Greece
2010-07-11 08:36:57
Finnaly after like 7 days I managed to find a proper PC that has an internet conection. I gonna be stuck here for like 10 more days. I see you have been doing alot of stuff lately, wish I can check out the new pics, but unfortunately I'm in an 2-euro Internet Cafe and everyone is waching me from all sides ;_; This vecation is suposse to meke me relax, but for some reson I'm so frustrated, I dunno why >_>. I'm still board no matter what I do, oh well.
2010-07-09 19:27:00
Can you draw zoo getting raped with tentacles in the toilet in the anal please? THX!!
DM DOKURO the Art Cruiser
2010-07-08 13:41:34
That Sixten guy looks like he could make a good addition to the Danmaku project! ..... Too bad I don't know anything about him. :# And the "Zoo the Cumdumpster" pic.......... It looks like Zoo's going to strangle the living shit out of the person that did that to her. :|
2010-07-08 10:36:16
Hehe. Thanks for the piccys! I love the redesigned kit you gave me! And the cumdump pic is so funny!