I'm tired
I've been fighting my scanner for a while now! I just wanted to scan a picture, but I had not installed scanner drivers n' shit since the computer offed itself. I needed some scanning program that came with the scanner too, but I forgot how cryptic it can be with finding the various settings in it. Finally, I came through, however. Only difference is that the scanned pictures come out whiter than before, for some reason. I don't think that's a bad thing though.

Anyway, here's the drawing in question: Sofi in the Tentacle Box!
Originally it was going to have more things going on, but since I started this before the computer death, I forgot what I was aiming for... Meh.

In other news, I've managed to overcomplicate the cumscene I was talking about in the Butt Bus project. Now it's gonna take some time to complete that shiet. I've gotta take note to not do this with the other animations left to make...

And hey! We've got chapter three of Beleth pestering Sofi with her giant dong!
Deal with a Devil: Chapter III

Can't wait to see what the end chapters are gonna look like... Haw haw!

I also got a nice drawing from a friend!
Ellie and Zara, sharing a moment.
Thanks, awesome~!

So Super Mario Maker is coming out this friday, ye? I'm pretty hyped for that, I like building things and being creative. I'll be making stages where you throw things into Zu's butt, haw haw. Maybe if I can make Raz come and visit some day, we could stream some of them!

I'm looking forward to sleeping today. I bought myself some new pillows, since my old ones has started to become rather worn out. Hee hee hee. Good night, y'all!
2015-09-06 17:41:58
Comments (7)
2015-09-11 20:38:29
But. he isn't leading ANYONE on.. >.> He tells us everything that is going on... and from what I have heard he doesn't even take commissions.. all of this is for free for both the fans and himself... so maybe you could stop complaining about how long it takes for your free awesome flash cartoons.
2015-09-11 20:30:26
Well if the claim that he wants to get better, put out higher quality stuff and otherwise get more done... then yeah, he's not putting in the work. The reason I feel that it's inappropriate to comment on that however is because we don't have full transparency. He could have personal reasons for slowing down or taking breaks that we really shouldn't be judging. However, there's a legit point there with the priority. Do or don't, leading people on is understandably irritating.
2015-09-11 04:24:21
I have to say I agree- Sure, life is sometimes tough, but these constant updates saying 'it's coming it's coming'.. why not tell us the storyline? Or give some more screenshots? Is it because there isn't much to show? If there isn't much to show, you have a core problem as an artist. There needs to be lots of work. I like your Sunday updates, but it seems pointless every week to say "I played so much Smash this week woh hoh hoh, but I couldn't get any work done" Like, prioritise that shit. If you want to be the best artist, and I know you do, because we have spoken about it, then you need to work HARD. It's hard work. And it needs to be as routine as you can make it. EG: on Thursdays and Sundays, I put in a solid 4 hours of work in the afternoon / evening. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays I put in 2 hours. Suddenly you have done 12 hours of work, and you have more flashes coming out, and you have more perverted fans, and more web hits, and with those come more commissions... and then life becomes good for the artist. The artist is making necessary money -AND- more importantly, better work. Saying "I want to work", and then playing videogames (and saying "They help me relax! this is part of the process!" is bullshit btw,) is kinda annoying. I hope you can understand the frustration of it. Either say you're working, and actually do those hours, or say you're thinking about working but really you're spending 12 hours a week on twitch or whatever. Maybe you're depressed- and dude that's ok, but go and treat it so that you can get back to a good work routine. Depression is a fucking cunt, but it's not impossible to treat. ADD, anxiety, autism, all workable. So, with that off my chest. I really love your work. I UNDERSTAND the nuances of life which come up as barriers to artists, and overcoming them is kinda tough. But I guess Yoda's logic comes in handy in these situations- Do, or do not do. There is no 'try'. And we all support you and want you to do well.
2015-09-09 16:56:56
Some people dont know how to appreciate awesome work. Ignore him, smash his face off a table infact. You are awesome and are doing awesome and that is a full fact.
2015-09-08 16:19:38
Don't you know that the work that you perform for free must be neatly aligned with perectly met deadlines and updates that meet my expectations? It's pretty ridiculous to have expectations for something that has such a loose release schedule (read: what schedule). Does the idea of this have such a large place in your life that you felt the need to vocalise? Relax, go do something like RC to pass time. Quit demanding "the truth" and be happy he doesn't go MIA for months at a time.
Rock Candy1405814057
2015-09-08 09:45:46
I don't think I've ever denied being lazy. I've said I'm a slow worker and that I've got troubles focusing on things. However, since I was not going to show the end result of this certain scene anyhow, I don't see why this matters too much. My vision of what an animation should look like changes while I'm working on it, and I decided to take a route that requires more work to finish. Along with re-animating things I'm not happy with and fiddling with cumshots and what not isn't exactly something that would take a short time to make. And this project is something that I don't want to rush out, like most other projects I've made lately. Saying that I hope to finish it next week is something I write to motivate myself, really. The server issues has always been a real, infuriating problem. But there hasn't been any of those for quite a while now, ya? I could update whenever I have something to show, but I like to update on sundays. Then I can collect everything that's been made thorough the week and show it all of at once. And ye, sometimes I wont have much to show, and it's not something I feel particurarly good about. If this is a problem, I could easily change that, if more people think the same.
The Final Straw
2015-09-08 09:11:25
Why make up excuses every single update instead admitting laziness? He's been doing this FOR YEARS and it's painfully obvious. How stupid do you think your fans are? I mean COME ON, something ALWAYS "prevents work" and when he seemingly has no excuse, the site mysteriously has "server issues" just in time for the next "update". I've been a long time lurker and I noticed this trend way back and it's finally annoyed me enough to speak out. After every disappointment I cringe to still see some gullible people constantly believe your excuses and "can't wait for it to finally be done next week". Face it, you just can't be bothered and you've been lying to your fans for years. At least stop giving the more gullible people a false sense of hope and actually update when you have something worth showing!