Bad, bad week for me.
Wow, I've had a really shitty week. It was raining almost constantly from monday to friday, which put me in a really laid back mood. I barely worked on anything. Then the news came that dad's cat who's had kittens was run over.
So now I'm at dad's. Gonna stay here for a week and help feed them since he starts working monday, thus he cannot. Now I'm in bed with a head ache. It's not nice.

To make up for this shit, I'm gonna make a quickie flash collaboration with Mittsies while I'm here. Since Butt Bus is a pretty large scale project, you're not gonna see it soon. I'm going to try to make a few short flashes in between, so that the wait isn't forever.

You might wonder about what happened to Nicole and the besped flash as well. Nicole flash is put on hold due to the guy I'm trading with being absent due to business. And besped's monitor apparently broke, so he can't work on his part of the trade. So I've got some real bad luck going on here.

But I do have one thing for you all. It's not made by me, though. It's made by Pyreaus, the creator of Beleth, who many of you seemed to take a liking to. It's the beginning of a story, featuring Beleth and Sofi in the main roles.

Chapter I
Since I can't upload documents, and I'm not at the liberty of using a second party to upload it at the moment, here it is at Hentai Foundry. You can watch him to get notified when the next chapter is out, if you wanna. I'm still gonna put it up in the news posts when they get done.

Let's hope he's not a lazy butt and gets typing on the next chapter. Dicks cannot wait long to stroke it to Sofi getting reamed by demonfutas.

If things go well, my collab flash with Mittsies might be done already by the next update.
2015-08-02 14:05:04
Comments (9)
2015-08-09 09:21:03
yo man I was just wondering if your had thought about setting up a paetron account as would be a great way for you to make some money while you work I would be happy to pledge for you :D
2015-08-07 16:05:33
Well the cat certainly was.
Rock Candy1394113938
2015-08-05 11:48:25
I'd hardly call cars biological, but yes, it's a real bad time frame for this kind of incident. Not that there ever is a good one.
2015-08-04 19:36:52
ily rockcandy! been recently reading your entries and i think you're a cool guy. also RIP mama cat, what a brutal and biological world ours is.
2015-08-03 21:41:27
Will he really? That Hitler's a busy boy. o.O
Rock Candy1393513934
2015-08-03 15:13:54
I just assisted Mittsies with tracing the original art in Pizzacat. I will actually be doing animation in this one. I'd say its contents are the complete opposite of Pizzacat.
7/11 was a part time job
2015-08-03 13:14:22
the pizza cat flash is out already. or are you talking about another flash?
Rock Candy1393013929
2015-08-03 04:26:55
It's not that bad, I've just had really bad luck with my flashes lately.
2015-08-02 23:46:31
>If things go well, my collab flash with Mittsies might be done already by the next update And Hitler will be reborn from the ashes of hell and he'll bring the flying gas chambers of desolation as well as the nuclear submarines nuke revolution V2.3 to remove all the impurity of the world while he faps to your new flash on the next sunday.