Lotsa Zu butts
Summer is all in full bloom here in Sweden, and I'm sitting inside drawing porn and playing vidya games. Ain't I a naughty one. But I'm gonna get my share of the summer in two weeks! Regulars around RC.se might remember that every week in july, I go back to my hometown and spend it in a trailer with a bunch o' friends and do all kinds of mostly outdoor activities. Since it is a relatively small and calm town, you can even go around barefoot. It is really refreshing and I can't wait to get there... But, moving on!

As it was my birthday on the 12th of this june, I recieved some late birthday drawings from people! Tasty Zu pictures, my favorite! Let's see what I got, ya?

High Heel Zu!
High Heel Zu 2!
Prison Zu!
Booty Zu!
Thanks for all the nice stuff, guys! I like 'em all~!

I drew some stuff too!
Fairness, starring fan favorite Beleth.
And Fairy of the Earth, a drawing I made for Taro. Yo!

I know it seems like I've done jack shit for a long time now, at least Flash wise. But believe me, besped's trade has been really taxing on me. And since I was told to not show anybody anything of it, I've not been able to show anything of it for all this time. But since I am done with it now, I've become a lot more workhappy since I get some much needed variation. I've started working on my last trade thing, which stars the character known as Nicole. It's a pretty unique flash. I'll be surprised if I get positive reactions from this one, hoahoa. I aim to get it done before I leave on july 4th, if possible.

As for my E3 experience... I can't say that it was anything but disappointing. Sure, there's EarthBound Beginnings, but... As a Nintendo fan, it was really awful otherwise.
Speaking of games, I and Raz might pick up streaming again soon. It seems we've been scammed on some rather expensive microphones we wanted to buy, so I had to buy a new pair, oof. I'll make another update when that becomes actual.

And I got quite a few replies for male characters to include in Butt Bus, though it mostly turned out into a mess of people screaming "I want my boy parts on GIRLS damnet!!". Which can be nice, but I'm looking for MALE characters, with a build similiar to Sixten's. And this means actual characters of fans, not some vague representation of some anybody! But if there isn't enough interest, I'll have to fill the remaining slots up by myself. I guess.

Let me know what you think. I'm listening and will reply to questions.
I'll see you with a new news post again next sunday, as per usual.

RC out!
2015-06-21 16:44:25
Comments (11)
2015-07-07 08:28:08
For some reason I thought it'd be awesome if you put Axecop in xD
2015-06-28 02:03:11
lengthen sixten's hair and think back to onihole
Rock Candy1373813737
2015-06-24 14:43:48
That's right! Doesn't seem to be much interest here. I should ask elsewhere...
2015-06-23 16:54:14
That would be like making Futa characters,and thats not an option now it seems.
2015-06-22 18:25:33
How about you make sixten more feminine and put tits on him? That'd work too
the man
2015-06-21 23:24:03
flash with nicole, i love you...
Rock Candy1372213717
2015-06-21 23:14:26
I've been told in july some time.
Rock Candy1372113716
2015-06-21 23:13:19
Not likely, she'd break her ankles and would be unable to participate in any more porn.
2015-06-21 21:16:18
Sixten's build reminds me of Cloud Strife's, quite seriously, and I'd laugh very hard if he mad it into Butt Bus. XD
2015-06-21 19:09:25
Yes for Nicole! I know you are not keen on making R34 stuff in general so this surprised me. Cant wait to see it. Also i know that besped has this certain reputation for not finishing anything ever. He hasnt really been active on FA for months or years or something last time i checked. I dont know if he is in any way active outside of that. Got any ETA for the trade flash or is it up to the gods? But anyways, Love what youre doing. You make some of the best quality porn flashes out there and right up my alley content wise. Never stop what you are doing. Its great.
2015-06-21 18:46:03
Wow zu looks great in those high heels! can we expect more art of her in slutty shoewear like that?