Midget birthday is soon
That lil' Sofi is gonna turn XX April 1st, better think up something fun for that!

Sorry for bein' late with the update again, I had a friend over for the weekend, he left today. So yah, I had to wait!

Anyway, here's four drawings I did for various people throughout the week!
Q.Pid Stuff! for Seirryuga.
Warty Peaches! for KingHime.
Chubby Roses! for Absented Tangent.
Split Dragonian Buns! for Spazman.

I'm pretty happy with these! I hope the people who they are for will be too!
Still got a few left to do, though. Maybe tonight I'll draw some more.

Last week, since I had nothing valuable to do, I worked on my secret project! I'm thinking a few more weeks of work on it, and the animation will be all done! I'm pretty sure everybody's gonna hate it, since it's not porn related, haw haw. But it is quite nice to work on something where you don't have to go into such detail with everything all the time!
It's made me get renewed motivation for my old half-scrapped Butt Bus project. KingHime on our forums was willing to work on it, and has a bit, but he's apparently very busy! So if there are any other flash artists out there with some skills to share to this project, I think it'd be fun to collaborate this into completion!

I'mma gonna get myself something to eat now, so I'll leave ya be for now! See ya around!
2015-03-30 10:03:34
Comments (8)
Rock Candy1334413343
2015-04-03 16:22:52
You win helping me finish it.
2015-04-03 14:56:19
I found a Yo! On the quarter. Do I win something?
Rock Candy1334113340
2015-04-03 11:39:52
Visste inte att jag gjorde det till att börja med.
Brasse Brännströms ande
2015-04-03 08:35:12
Varför ser du ut som Magnus Härenstam?
2015-04-02 02:47:08
Dude! u should make an RPG style where u make your own guy and girl. just for the fact that i love your art style man
2015-03-31 14:16:04
Secret Project? Let's get ready for more Rock N' Raz! Hope they got some good jukes like always. 8 )
Rock Candy1333313332
2015-03-31 03:46:45
Unlikely, since I have trades to work on.
2015-03-30 20:27:29
any chance of seeing a follow up to big healthy easter eggs this year?