There's a flash!
But probably not the one you're looking for! Sorry to disappoint! But it's come a long way. All that is left are adjustment to the code, add sound effects, voice clips and a few other things. I asked the girl who did the voices for Zu in the Rudolf flash to record some clips, 'cause the volunteers are non existant! Ya gotta help an ol' flash maker out sometimes, my dear female fans! :c
Also, gotta run it by GBlastMan first, to see if he likes it. Maybe he tells me it's shit and I have to redo it, who knows. But yeah, it really should be done around next sunday.

And hey! Look, I drew something again! It has the same sort of theme the recent one did.
Sleepover Surprise! Zu's sporting something extra, which she decides to show off when they're under the covers.
Poor Sofi's butt. Maybe she'll take another girl's dick up her arse next week, hoahoa.

Anyway, about that other flash... It's Rock n' Raz 4!
Yeah, I got some time over, so I decided to do this. Because why not? Somebody will like it, I'm sure. Looking up old artwork for it was pretty nice. I've got a whole scanned notebook full of drawings and shitty ideas for stupid flashes that would have been all out of character for my characters today. I did find a pretty hot outfit for Zara in there though. I should probably redraw it and see how it comes out today. And make a side by side comparison. Hmhm, that might be something. Some day I might share the whole thing if the interest is high enough.

Anyway, I'll leave you with this for today. Let Sofi's butt take care of your horny dicks until the flash is ready, OK?
2015-02-08 20:05:52
Comments (8)
2015-02-15 08:14:44
please put up the new flash... i can't save my faps for much longer
Rock Candy1296912967
2015-02-09 15:15:43
But it's just an unfinished sketch...
2015-02-09 10:05:45
Nice update, man. =P You're getting seriously skilled with these pics.
2015-02-09 09:48:07
RockCandy, is there any chance you could put this picture ( in your pictures section of your website? I have it saved on my computer, so what I'm about to say doesn't really apply to me personally, but I think it should be in a more accessible location so that it's easier to find. I had to go through several old news posts to find that link. lol
2015-02-09 05:49:09
I can't believe I laughed at Raz's dumb joke.
Rock Candy1296512962
2015-02-09 04:18:31
Who knows, maybe... Some day.
2015-02-08 21:02:14
Sweet!! and dont worry man for the things i saw and read its going to be one of the cooles things i have ever saw with my ocs XDDD and i never ever ever ever ever ever never said that's going to look bad or something like that its going to be cool and i cant wait to see it in action!!
2015-02-08 21:00:28
it's almost done :D and this weeks pic of sofi is a great follow up from the last one. is there any chance that you'd ever make a flash smilier to these pics with sofi and futa versions of your characters? i know you've done pics with futa characters before like zu but not a flash besides the loop of zu and lolo. just wanted to know if that could possibly be a thing in the future.