February, eh?
Time flies by so fast. It's scary. At least it does to me. I'm very close to finishing GBlastMan's trade now. I think I'll keep working on it the coming week as well, then I'll probably finish all the art parts. Then it's up to the brave coders to put it together! Who it is, I don't know yet. I'll have to ask around and see if any is availible!

By the way, is there any girl out there who could record a few lines of moan n' stuff for this lass? I've not been able to find anybody willing in my circles...!

It'd feel so great to finish something soon. Well, at least have a drawing before I go for the day.
Once again, Sofi's butt is attacked by those darn penises. Lollo needs to stop doin' that all the time, bluh.
Fun fact: It was supposed to be Zara at first, but I couldn't get the hair to look any good. Probably because I was too tired when I drew it.

Actually, have a bit of an update on Sofi's profile image, now with underwear! Yeah, she doesn't wear bras n' shit, obviously. Except for when going to the beach or something, then she wears those full body swimsuit sort of swimwear. 'cause fack off, you're not getting to see much of her skin! Hoahoa. She'd be so pissed if she was aware that I drew so much porn of her...

Anyway, yes. If everything goes smooth, expect that trade to be done in like one or two weeks. No promises, but that's what I feel at the moment. If I can't find a voiceactress in time, I guess I'll have to find some stock ones or leave them out completely. Meh. See ya next sunday!
2015-02-01 16:27:44
Comments (10)
2015-02-05 18:19:56
Random comment: Horse dicks
2015-02-03 00:52:38
That's why I added a =P to make it look a bit decent. xD Happy april I hope santa claus is glad about me typing 16355.
2015-02-02 22:04:23
Yeah that was rude, I thought they did great. And I still to this day jizzbuckets with the Xmas flash. Damn thing is a masterpiece in my opinion.
2015-02-02 03:02:33
well that was kinda rude to say. And shouldn't the option be available for any voice that is added?
2015-02-02 02:57:33
If RC agrees to that... He should add a "disable voice" option then. xD
2015-02-02 02:14:41
want me to ask the person who voiced zu for the xmas flash?
2015-02-02 00:41:08
I think I like Sofi better with the underwear. There's something to be said about the allure of leaving a stuff to the imagination. Nakedness is easy and boring, after all!
Daniel Fortesque
2015-02-01 18:28:39
great * :D sry
Daniel Fortesque
2015-02-01 18:28:19
Cant wait to your new flash , all your work is absolutley frey , hats off to ya !
The future generation is gone
2015-02-01 17:34:19
Your artwork is always improving. Keep up the good work!