Bupp 2
Postponed the update again. I wanted to finish a drawing before posting, so it wouldn't be all empty n' stuff.

Butt-breeding Zara, it's actually three drawings of her in different scenarios during a single "storyline" so to say. I wanted to draw Zara with some other facial expressions than the happy and smug ones she's usually seen with. Zara's not all that, hoahoa. Well I hope ya'll liked it.

We streamed that Metro 2033 game while the site was dead, sadly, but here's the whole thing if anybody is interested in seeing how it went. It's actually my first time playing a FPS like this, so don't expect me to be too good.
Rock n' Raz plays Metro 2033 (and also TF2)
Next stream we'll be doing is most likely one of those N64 games, called "Glover". Might also be some Smash, Sonic & Mario at the Olympics multiplayer and whatever else we can find. Haw haw.

And since I decided to postpone the update, I also recieved a few cool images from Cinndrie, who sent them just before I went to bed.
3D Lollo's Wand!
3D Lollo's Wand!!
3D Lollo's Wand!!!
That's pretty awesome, yo.

Now I gotta go do dishes. So boring.
And after that, more flashworks.
One last thing before I go: It's a Smash 4 custom stage!
2015-01-19 09:55:53
Comments (9)
Rock Candy1288412883
2015-01-22 03:06:30
My ID is RockCandy.
2015-01-21 23:33:32
You have smash? Bro whats your name so I can add you as a friend and we could smash!
2015-01-20 02:49:24
That stage is beautiful *cry*
2015-01-19 20:41:59
Oh man, Dat Zara drawing. Absolute favorite scenario!
The Phantom
2015-01-19 18:20:23
*facepalms at SSB4 image*
Rock Candy1287412871
2015-01-19 17:04:32
I played this stage against a friend online, and he managed to slip down between the cock and the ass somehow and couldn't get back up and KO'd himself.
Rock Candy1287312872
2015-01-19 17:03:31
It's coming along fine. It will be finished before the besped trade, for sure.
2015-01-19 16:38:43
Any news on that GBlastman trade flash? I'm still looking forward to fappin' to it!
2015-01-19 16:03:57
I'm not sure which I like better: the fact that you made a custom stage in Smash Bros. which is recognizably Zu, or the fact that Ness is standing triumphant atop her. lol