Holidays are coming to an end, eh?
Before I start writing shit, there's something very important I have to show you. Something that occured in Tomodachi Life.

This isn't edited. There's actually a penis in a Nintendo game. I can't believe it. The odds for this muts be incredibly low. I feel extremely lucky to have this happen. Make sure to show this shit to your friends, yo!

Soooo~. I hope you had a nice buttsmas. I can tell you mine wasn't very interesting. I played some games, watched some nice movies (Sadly, the Rudolf the Reindeer: The Movie movie as well.) and played scrabble on the phone with my dad. I hope yours was way more interesting than mine, hoahoa!

Mine and Mittsies short little collab has gone nowhere, due to both of us being busy with holidays and other projects. Hoahoa. Such bad luck. I'm pretty sure it wont be abandoned though, he seemed to like the arts in it. I think some friend of his drew it.

As for that Butt Bus flash (, KingHime from our forums decided to take it up and work on it! I've not actually seen him do any flash works, but he seems to know quite a but of it, so it shall be interesting to see if he can do anything with it! I promised to help him out as well, hoahoa. So maybe it wont be a dead flash after all!

I did actually finish one flash for christmas, but it is not a porn flash, just a bit suggestive. I present to you: Mental Struggles of Cape-Men!
It's an animation based on a comic that our favorite scapegoat Shrapnel made a few years ago when he was new to! It was pretty fun to make. Hopefully it is fun to watch too.

I tried to draw some christmas drawings for some people I know, but I couldn't find the muse for it when I did. I did try again yesterday and today, and I think I made a few decent sketches! I'll definately try to clean em up in time for next update. Hopefully new years and comiket stuff wont keep me too busy.
(Rock Candy is eagerly awaiting ふたつの子午線 Orthogonal parallel line. That Merry, the Magician arrangement, hngh, I've waited so long for this. Thank you, dBu music!!)

I wish you all a continued nice fap-holiday, even though I have nothing to offer this year~.
2014-12-28 17:55:51
Comments (3)
Rock Candy1272912724
2014-12-30 05:06:50
You know it!
2014-12-29 10:43:47
Excelent music from dBu music!!!
2014-12-29 05:09:17
Things like these,make me wanna have a job,wa- HEY! Not that kind of job,get off me! Geez...where was I? Ah yes,because how can I NOT want this game even more,when it contains penis shaped stuff? Anyway,merry buttmas to you too,hope you have a faptastic 2015.