Another week passes!
This week I rediscovered just how many different projects I've got to work on, hoahoa. I went back and forth on all on them, it was a nice change of pace. Anyway, I managed to finish the boob stuff in GBlastman's flash, here's a little tease. Or whatever you'd like to call it.

I stayed up really late a few days ago to watch that thing, Video Game Awards, or something like that? I don't know why, I guess I was curios of what Nintendo was going to show? Always expecting the most unrealistic things, like EarthBound getting some kind of recognition or a remake, at least I got to enjoy Lindsey Stirling, awkward jokes and WOOOOOOOOO. While that was going on, I sketched something. This thing here.
I realize there's probably a hundred things looking odd with it, but I was pretty tired when I drew it. It started as an idea of Zara doing mean things to Sofi's butt, but I kind of expanded on it. I might clean it up and finish it some day. But it'll probably take a while, hoahoa.

I've barely touched my Smash Bros since I discovered just how much bullshit Classic mode is at higher difficulties. It's been a long time since I felt such anger towards a video game. It really manages to bring out the angry caveman in me with the constant random luck based outcomes and clusterfucks of input-reading CPUs who juggles you around or gets cheap KOs with items. And then they expect you to go through some shitty ass fortress with insta-KO lava shit along the walls.
It's just not fun. Instead, I've been playing Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. It feels so much more generous in comparison. And that's not a good thing. Fuck.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. I have been asked about this Patreon thing that is popular amongst pornartists nowadays apparantly. Is this something that you, the fans, think would be something to look into? I'm not really sure why I should get it since I can't really offer anything that I'm not already showing on site, but some people really want me to get one.

Let me hear what you think about that until next sunday, ya?
2014-12-12 08:54:55
Rock Candy
Comments (16)
2014-12-14 07:41:55
At that point why not just use a paypal
2014-12-12 20:06:33
First of all, The binding of issac is an awesome game, secondly paetron is an overall scam to porn viewers. Some low level porn artists that have risen up and gained recognition have now started paetron accounts, and have started withholding some of thier best content to those who don't support them on paetron. This kind of bullshit pisses me off, why should I pay money for porn that used to be free? Paetron however, is an easy way to make a few hundered dollars a month for no extra work, at least to the more accomplished artists that is. So if your going to start a paetron account and make some extra money, please don't alienate your non-paetron followers by making your best material only available to those who pay money on paetron. Sincerely, Rollybob P.S. More porn content of Lollo please!
2014-12-12 05:36:49
This. 100x This.
Rock Candy12607
2014-12-09 03:01:18
Burubba: Yeah, it is a tough choice. I don't wanna put my work behind a paywall, I'd rather want to use it as a donation thingy, I guess. Adrain: "poutputs" I was planning on making something like Zu Triple 2 if I set up a Patreon. My slow pace is most likely because of current lifestyle, which I have a hard time getting out of. We tried PayPal way back, but got banned due to PayPal not supporting porn, apparently. The money itself would probably go to survival of myself so I can pay bills and eat food. Drumbot: As of late, it's been hard to get working on stuff because I've got two trades to take care of. It's rather different than doing something I have my own vision of, so it gets tiring pretty quickly. Starting a Patreon would most likely have me not do trades n' stuff and just work on my own stuff. KingHime: I feel ya man, I don't really want to gimp people out. Just want to be able to continue making porn. JizzBuckets: This is what I think too.
2014-12-08 23:05:03
Okay, so about the Patreon thing: You could make everything free and open but use it like a donation website. Really, we'd LOVE to give you our money. Thats a good incentive for you (the artist) to make more amazing fap games for us (the donors) Pretty simple right? :D
2014-12-08 17:58:04
Well, if ur art is only available through a paywall, I'm gonna have to put on my pirate hat.
2014-12-08 16:42:42
Well this is lame. I posted this in response to something I did not mean to respond to: I really like your content, but I don't think Patreon is a good fit for you. You often write about how you find it hard to get working on stuff, and, well, if people start giving you money, you will be in a position where you just have to give something back. I would be happy if that meant you get more content out :P But be cautious as it might go against your apparent inclination to take it easy. Dealing with frustrated fans wouldn't be so cool.
2014-12-08 16:41:56
I really like your content, but I don't think Patreon is a good fit for you. You often write about how you find it hard to get working on stuff, and, well, if people start giving you money, you will be in a position where you just have to give something back. I would be happy if that meant you get more content out :P But be cautious as it might go against your apparent inclination to take it easy. Dealing with frustrated fans wouldn't be so cool.
2014-12-08 12:43:24
Also, as has been hinted at, you would be getting an income - But I am fairly certain it falls in under as "gifts" technically, of which you can recieve a certain amount of cash yearly as ithout having to report it to the IRS. For Denmark, my country, I believe it's 25,000 kroner. You'll have to look into that for Sverige yourself :P
2014-12-08 12:41:08
You should only do Patreon if you can offer increased or special poutputs/projects as a result. Spoony at the started Patreon and got 5000 dollars from fans - So far, he hasn't put out anymore content or really showed a whole much for those 5000, though he is talking about making a DVD/movie of sorts. My point is just, if you start Patreon, you either have to a) Make more content ON TIME, as promised on the tin for signing up/paying b) Make a special porject/define what the money would be going to, so people can decide if they wanna support said caus c) Don't have a conscience and do neither a or b, and watch the cash roll in - however, be prepared that some people will bitch endlessly about that (as in, more than they bitch about slow content-release now etc.) If it's because some of your fans just wanna make a donation, to show you appreciation for their work, it might just be easier to set up to get PayPal donations. Those are my opinions on the matter.
2014-12-08 11:14:26
Ah. Well, see, that changes things. In this case, you should probably consider making one, as you would indeed benefit from it. If you were to do so, though, you'd probably have to stop posting as many sketches and previews on your site in news updates; that's the kind of thing that is ideal for Patreon. This would be a shame for those of you aren't supporting you, but on the other hand, I suspect that most of the people who read your news updates, myself included, are the same sorts of devoted fans who would support you on Patreon. So it's a tough call, but certainly worth considering.
Rock Candy1259612595
2014-12-08 09:45:47
Yeah, about that... I'm not gonna get income from welfare 2016, so that's another reason I bring this up.
2014-12-08 07:25:24
Based on your About section, I'm gonna say that you probably don't need and shouldn't make a Patreon. you don't really want to receive money for your work, because you don't know what you'd do with it, and so if you don't have any need for income to support your art, then there's no reason to make a Patreon, as the whole point is supporting artists make their art.
2014-12-07 23:17:06
I think the idea behind getting a Patreon is so that we can support you. You can keep doing what you do, but in exchange we give you moneys. It might put some pressure on you to meet deadlines, though. And you would have to explain where all your new money is coming from... Hoahoa! Anyway, I am loving the tease, and I would love to see a finished version of that sketch. It looks promising!
2014-12-07 20:35:16
2014-12-07 20:34:43
I'm loving the flash teases! I can't wait until it's done! What's a tough time frame, if you have one? Like before/after Christmas. No need for a specific date.