Ach, the headaches
I wish I could say I've done a lot this week but...
Since I got Smash 4 Wii U, I've been playing it nonstop trying to clear those bullshit challanges. Very unfair. My body doesn't like that apparently, and I've had a slight headache for two days now. Hnf.

And yea, I said there would be a stream today, but Raz had to go and switch apartments or something this weekend, so he couldn't make it. I should have told you earlier but... I got distracted by Smash too much. Sorry bout that. I've been informed we may continue our Paper Mario Stream though, since our third man Haplo might show up on wednesday or thursday. Wouldn't that be something, eh? Maybe we can actually finish that shit. We ended on a game freeze on the moon last time, if I remember correctly. Hoahoa. Anyway, I hope that will happen. As for Metro, it'll have to wait...

Anyway, I got some fanarts n' stuff for you to look at meanwhile!
A gun wielding Sofi with robots, made by Daniel!

And I'm not sure what to classify this as, but it's a colored panel from that Zara comic I made.

Neat stuff, indeed~!

Now, I'm wondering if I should stay up all night and play some more smash or rest my poor brain. In any case, I'll have to get back to flash tomorrow as well. GBlastman trade n' stuff needs to be made.
2014-11-30 16:46:57
Comments (2)
2014-12-06 14:46:04
Captains Log: 5 days since an update ... Wondering if RockCandy is alive... Running low on food rations..
2014-12-01 11:35:06
My nintendo network id is Kald-5 if you would wanna smash sometime