Awaiting streaming date...
Edit: Raz says he'll be free on sunday. So expect Metro 2033 being streamed at that time!

I talked to Raz, and he said he'll be free a few days in the beginning of next week, but I'm not sure just when that'll be. He was supposed to tell me today, but I guess he fell asleep or something, 'cause he's not answering. I'll update this newspost with the date as soon as I know.

We've switched from twitch to this other streaming site called "Hitbox". It's got way less delay, so we can now actually reply to what people say in the chat. It's like 5 seconds or so instead of 30 seconds. Very good, it also seems to be more stable in general, so if you're interested in our streams, go watch or subscribe us over there at:
Don't miss out, yo!

Anyway! November 23rd was a certain somebody's birthday! Therefore, I sketched up this little birthday drawing for that person! I hope she's happy about that cake, because some special ingredients went into it. Hmhm.

I also scanned a picture of a batting Lollo, which I guess is quite humorous!

I also sketched up a new profile picture for our favorite pyromaniac Sofi!
Is it good? Is it bad? opinons please~!

You can also have this screenshot of GBlastMan's trade flash. I've really put a lot of hard work into it so far. I may have to cut out some of my original plans for this, because it takes forever to do all of this! It was supposed to go quick, but nyah! I'm not sure!

This week, it's back to the besped trade. Hopefully I'll make great progress on that one instead!

And I guess Smash Brothers Wii U comes out as well here in Sweden soon. From what I've seen, classic and All-Stars seem to be pretty disappointing. As well as the stages... Meh.
2014-11-23 18:09:52
Rock Candy
Comments (15)
Rock Candy1256112560
2014-11-26 03:05:00
Well, she is supposed to not be very curvy. It'll be easier to tell when I redraw it, most likely.
2014-11-25 23:36:48
The cause of her masculine appearance might be the torso-to-hip ratio, or torso-to-full body ratio. Just a thought. It may also be an illusion of rough edges and sketch format, just Burubba mentioned. The pose is nice, btw.
Rock Candy1255812557
2014-11-25 16:47:41
Ah, I see. We'll see what it looks like when I flashify her, then.
2014-11-25 14:26:38
Well, it's hard to pin down exactly why, but I think it's a combination of the fact that she's not wearing her usual, rather childish outfit, and the fact that, because this is a sketch, she looks a lot more rugged than usual. It's like those rough edges became muscles, kinda, and because she looks more muscly in the sketch, she looks older.
Rock Candy1255612555
2014-11-25 03:40:34
Yeah, that sucks too. At least Ness was buffed in some other ways, but the nerfs he got still really sucks. She does? How so?
2014-11-24 20:52:45
I actually didn't notice this; I'm way more bummed by the fact that Lucas was altogether removed. ;___; Back to the rest of the original post, I really like the new Sofi profile pic, as she actually looks 18 in that picture. lol
2014-11-24 19:33:48
In this flash i'd like to see her belly button pull's out , like in the " Onihole " flash , that would be so great :3
Rock Candy1255212549
2014-11-24 18:05:34
But they nerfed my main Ness...
2014-11-24 13:35:01
Ah hoping this screenshot is her boobs being pumped full to expand. RC hasn't done breast expansion yet. It's pretty hot. Would be even hotter if her butt, and front butt also got pumped full so the Stomach got huge too. But maybe that's what he is thinking of cutting to save time. Too bad if so but maybe in another future tentacle themed one.
2014-11-24 09:36:34
Don't feel obliged to cut anything from the upcoming trade flash, man; I'd much rather see a fully fleshed out product that I had to wait awhile for. What I've seen so far looks fantastic; keep up the great work. ^_^ As for Smash Bros, there are a few annoying stages, but the new characters are, for the most part, incredibly fun to play as, so you'll have that to look forward to.
2014-11-24 04:12:04
And also,not even a adventure mode like in melee! Is dumb really... Also the profile picture,I like it,it shows how slippery that little devil can be,making it hard to...grab her when she f*cks shit up AAAARGH! (I still love her. :3)
Rock Candy12543
2014-11-24 03:23:50
I'm not talking cutting boob things, but rather other things from it.
2014-11-23 22:58:02
There's breast sucking/fucking and you say you're going to cut stuff out? I'll haunt you from the grave
2014-11-23 20:06:46
kojiro is right man, im not going to get mad if you take your time to do your best, dont rush things if you have an idea then do it at your pace, nobody is rushing you neither me XDD so have fun doing it, and dont worry about the time if you didnt put a deadline or something in the first place XDDD
2014-11-23 19:27:33
noo please don't cut anything. I'm sure what you have in mind will be awesome and the more options the better. you haven't given a time frame for release like the christmas flash so i don't think anyone will be pushy about completion date. it looks great so far from the videos and screenshots. i think you should take tour time to make it the way you want it to be