Various stuff
So! It is that updatey time again! Today, I have some shit to show you all! And you will enjoy it, damnet.

First of all, two sketches of profile image designs:
Louise sketch
Sixten sketch
What cha think of em? I'm gonna give Sixten a bit of a redesign, since his role in the canon story will change quite a bit. I have been forced to alter many scenarios, sadly. I think Zu and Sixten wont end up together anymore...

And a sketch of a sticky, cummy Zu. I'm not sure what to do with it. Anybody got any ideas?
If not, that's OKay, I guess. I'll just scrap it.

And uhh, have an update on GBlastman's trade flash! Contains odd penetration, so be aware of that.

I also have a Halloween fanart thingy drawn by our favorite serbian Shrapnel! He sure has come a long way since the beginning.

Speaking of Shrapnel, he and his brother visited me in Sweden this summer, if you remember. We streamed some games while we could, and here's the highlights of those funtimes!

My personal favorite part is around the 17:00 mark. It's just so perfect. It's became my new catchphrase, I believe.

That's all for this week, next week it's back to the Besped trade. I hope it will go well! And I hope you'll fap and share your fantasies! Yes! Have a nice week~!
2014-11-09 17:51:14
Comments (19)
Rock Candy1248512479
2014-11-14 04:19:42
It's an interesting idea for sure, but not enough to make a flash out of it.
2014-11-13 11:18:56
So thinking about what you could do with Sticky, Cummy Zu, I came up with an idea for how the animation could work, although I still have no ideas for "plot." Depending on how deep the dick is in her ass at the time you cum, that will decide how it impacts Zu. So if you're going slow, for example, when you cum, it goes toward filling up her stomach. When you're going deep and fast, it would come out her mouth, as shown in the picture. The picture is, in my opinion, too good just to scrap, and I think this could be a really cool way to use the idea. :D
2014-11-12 17:52:35
Holy shit I'm gettin' hype for that GBlastman thing yall are doing! Hope its got clit/girl cum stuff :D or futa stuff.. or both p.s. I still fap to your Xmas game with Zu and Rudolph, AMAZING shit dude.
Rock Candy1247412471
2014-11-12 13:14:12
No, iy's mostly that I don't lik working under a deadline. It always turn out like this when it does.
2014-11-12 12:29:42
Aw, that's a shame, especially since the last one turned out so well. Of course, it wasn't the theme that did it, but the animation itself, so I'm not too upset. I assume the fiasco was just all of the delays that kept it from coming out when intended, or was there something more that I missed?
Rock Candy1246612465
2014-11-11 00:18:26
That is correct.
2014-11-10 20:55:54
Wait, so there's not gonna be a Christmas special this year? :O
Rock Candy1246412463
2014-11-10 15:42:22
I know, right? Maybe Sixten will wind up with somebody else.
2014-11-10 14:39:43
>I think Zu and Sixten wont end up together anymore... I can't begin to describe how disappointing this is.
2014-11-10 14:04:00
That sketch of Zu looks to me like a great basis for a flash, and I'd LOVE to see it turned into one; animation with a completely unrealistic amount of cum is by far my favorite (cf. Ran Ran Rump). No particularly grand scenarios come to mind unfortunately... although just now I was struck with the very amusing thought that she, or some other character, could anger Poseidon, who would punish her by drenching her in a sea of cum. XD
Rock Candy1246012458
2014-11-10 13:10:16
Not after the fiasco of the last one for sure.
2014-11-10 11:25:05
Because,they're cute...they're cute together,its sad really... ... Well! After thats done,any buttstuff planed for this Christmas?
Rock Candy1245712453
2014-11-10 10:04:38
Yeah, I might some day, but it wont be this specific sketch.
Rock Candy1245612454
2014-11-10 10:03:34
Mean, how?
2014-11-10 07:04:49
That sketch is fabulous, I think it should be turned into more, I'll try and think of some ideas! =p
2014-11-10 05:59:52
You know, I'm open for change but this story changing one sounds kinda...mean. :(
2014-11-10 00:56:30
Regarding that zoo picture. Why not integrate that kinda thing in one of your future flashes? I mean when youre getting your backdoor stuffed with so much spooge that stuff is bound to go somewhere right? Would love to see something like that. Your work is amazing any way.
2014-11-09 20:07:06
2014-11-09 18:30:40
ineed to fsp