Almost Halloween already?
Man, October just flew by. At least for me. I suffered a bit from artistic depression for a while, so some days I didn't do much but sleep and watch movies. Or playing Smash. But it seems to be over now, so that's great! Hooray! I hope it stays this way, too.

Anyway, I stayed up late in the night to finish this little bonus thing for the Halloween contest: Salty Zara.
It was a long time since I made something in comic format. So this is pretty good, for me, I think! Now I just need to finish the ACTUAL thing in time. Haw haw. I got until friday, but I can always cheat and say "Well it isn't sunday yet..." in case I don't. Tee hee hee.

As for smashing, that went pretty well. I almost forgot, but a friend of mine reminded me. It was quite fun, though I made a complete fool of myself the first round hoahoa. So yeh, I'm gonna try to be on the same time every day for a short smash round this and maybe following weeks, depending on demand. The time is around 20:00. My timezone is GMT+2. So I'll hope to smash ya some!
2014-10-26 20:48:07
Rock Candy
Comments (19)
El Milto
2014-10-31 09:33:36
...sooo... when is the halloweenflash coming?
Rock Candy1239112390
2014-10-31 09:25:17
So? The triple penetration is still done.
El Milto
2014-10-31 09:24:10
but when you press the vaginal button. It doesnt work
Rock Candy1238912387
2014-10-31 07:50:37
Still exists.
El Milto
2014-10-31 06:17:13
That one isn't done! >:(
Rock Candy1238112375
2014-10-31 05:41:35
Zu Triple.
El Milto
2014-10-31 02:59:29
Really? which ones? please say which games has frontbuttsex!
Rock Candy1237212370
2014-10-30 13:22:43
I've done that way before this though.
El Milto
2014-10-30 12:35:21
I busted the worlds most popular BUTTSEX flashmaker in making FRONTbuttsex!
Rock Candy1236812366
2014-10-30 11:46:10
What's so funny?
El Milto
2014-10-30 08:35:10
Rock Candy1236512364
2014-10-30 08:02:09
I know...
El Milto
2014-10-30 06:56:32
okay. Hey by the way, on the homepage you write "no vaginal sex in sight here"... I found some; your last flash, the yo! on Rudolph's butt makes him frontbuttsex! Busted liar! (no offense)
Rock Candy1236312362
2014-10-30 06:23:04
No, Zara's just being a cocktease.
El Milto
2014-10-30 06:07:50
I didn't like buttsex, but this was my favorite site of all times. Was that drawing inspired from what i said?
Rock Candy1235012348
2014-10-28 09:25:34
El Milto
2014-10-28 08:19:31
-_- do you remember what i said? (grr)
Rock Candy1234612345
2014-10-28 05:53:27
Haw haw, don't worry. Zara still loves anal sex more than anything. She's just teasing those who do like it. And I guess I've got less autism and more wanting to make a more believeable character.
2014-10-28 04:15:09
Oh gosh. I voted for Zara and I get this? Now she wants to use her front butt? This is depressing. What's happening to The best place on the internet to look for butt stuff and butt raping autism is becoming a place for front buttism? My dick feels so sad right now...